Come le ho detto, mi costrinsero.
Like I said, I was forced into it.
La costrinsero a rotolarsi nei carboni ardenti.
She was forced to roll in hot coals.
In autunno... ci costrinsero ad andare in un ghetto.
By fall... we were forced into a ghetto.
E ci costrinsero alla ritirata.
We were forced to beat a retreat.
I miei ingrati sudditi mi costrinsero all'esilio.
Even when my own ungrateful subjects forced me into exile,
Lo costrinsero a ritrattare nel secondo libro.
So they forced him to recant in the second book.
I Pacificatori ci costrinsero nuovamente a tornare alle nostre case.
Peacekeepers forced us back into our homes.
Mi costrinsero a sposarmi quand'ero piccola.
I was forced to get married at an early age.
Poi li costrinsero a salire sui treni.
Then they were forced to ride the train.
Nonostante ciò la costrinsero ad averne un altro.
They forced her to have another.
E gli spiriti irrequieti di quelle pecore assassinate costrinsero Marguerite a tessere senza sosta, anche quando suo marito andava a combattere ancora... e ancora... e ancora.
And the restless spirits of those murdered sheep compelled Marguerite to loom ceaselessly, even as her husband went off to fight again and again... and again.
I nostri padri ci costrinsero a confrontarci e fare la pace.
Bosses had us sit down, make peace.
Cos) gli egie'iani costrinsero i figli dlsraele a servire con rigore, rendendo le loro vite amare dalla dura schiavitù finché le loro grida arrivarono a Dio e Dio le ascoltò.
So did the Egyptians cause the children of Israel to serve with rigour, and their lives were made bitter with hard bondage and their cry came up unto God and God heard them.
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