Käännös "colorando" englanti
E poi, sai... portiamo a termine la cosa, tiriamo il fiato e poi lo rifacciamo, ma questa volta colorando tutto per bene, o almeno con un tratteggio sufficientemente dettagliato.
And then, you know, just get it out the way, then have a breather and then do it again, but this time, do it with proper colouring in or a fairly detailed cross-hatching of said areas at least.
- Lo sto colorando.
I'm colouring it in.
Cosa stai colorando?
What are you colouring?
E tu stavi colorando.
And you were coloring.
Stai colorando lo spicchio "Euforia totale"!
Will, stop! You're coloring in "total exuberance."
Sto colorando i baffi.
I'm coloring in his mustache.
Lei stava... colorando vicino a lui mentre lui firmava i libri.
She was... Coloring next to him while he was signing books.
Ieri io e Steve stavamo colorando e io stavo per venire.
Well, last night Steve and I were coloring, and I was just about to... Come.
Il piccolo dorme e, uh, Katy sta colorando qualcosa.
Baby's asleep, and, uh, katy's doin' some coloring.
Sta bene, sta colorando.
She's just coloring.
Um, ti stai colorando il sedere?
Um, are you coloring in your butt?
- Stavo colorando, quando guardai in alto,
- I was coloring, and when I looked up,
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