Käännös "y tirado" englanti
Y tirado
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
También había indicios de que algunas municiones se habían tirado por la borda durante su transporte a diversos vertederos, aunque no se conocía la cantidad.
There were also indications that some of the munitions had been thrown overboard during their transportation to various dump sites, although the amount is not known.
Los dos jóvenes matados formaban parte de un pequeño grupo de manifestantes, algunos de los cuales habían tirado piedras a los soldados.
The two young men killed were part of a small group of demonstrators, some of whom had thrown stones at the soldiers.
Espero el día que estéis sin blanca, pisoteados, y tirados en el fango.
I hope the day that you may be nothing, stepped And thrown into the pigpen.
Yo fui arrancada de su cuerpo y tirada a las cloacas de Paris
I was ripped from her body and thrown into the Paris gutter.
Fuiste golpeado y tirado en una celda... injustamente, si me preguntas.
You were just beaten and thrown in a cell... unfairly, if you ask me.
Ya he tirado la toalla.
I've thrown in the towel.
Estaba tirada en el suelo.
She was thrown on the ground.
—De momento no he tirado nada.
“Haven’t thrown anything yet.
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