Käännös "visto desde dentro" englanti
Visto desde dentro
No obstante, entre queja y queja, les había proporcionado una imagen clínica de sus síntomas vistos desde dentro por una mente siempre atenta a los detalles médicos.
Between the complaints, however, she had provided them with a clinical picture of her symptoms as seen from within by a mind finely tuned to medical details.
Sobre nosotros se encontraban las murallas elevadas de Massilia, muy diferentes vistas desde dentro, pues estaban revestidas con plataformas y escaleras entrecruzadas; a sus pies se hallaba el depósito medio vacío de donde habíamos emergido.
Looming over us were the high walls of Massilia, very different when seen from within, for they were lined with platforms and crisscrossed with stairways, and at their foot was the half-drained reservoir from which we had emerged.
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