Käännös "vicecomandante" englanti
El vicecomandante de la academia envió correos electrónicos haciendo proselitismo para que se fijara un día nacional de la oración (cristiana).
The deputy commander of the academy sent out e-mails proselytizing for a national day of (Christian) prayer.
Sono il vicecomandante Frank Poole, ufficiale in seconda, USSS Discovery, in missione di massima segretezza diretto verso Giove... Ebbe la sensazione di una mano gelida che gli avesse afferrato il cuore.
I'm Deputy Commander Frank Poole, Executive Officer, USSS Discovery, on a Top Secret mission to Jupiter – It seemed as if an icy hand had gripped his heart.
Llegaron uno tras otro, en pequeños grupos, y Filotas les miró atentamente, como si estuviera pasando revista a una unidad, pero con una expresión de fastidio: Simias de Neápolis, comandante del tercer batallón de los pezetairoi, Agesandro de Leucopedión, vicecomandante del quinto escuadrón de los hetairoi, Héctor de Termas, comandante de la primera compañía de La Punta, Cresilas de Metona, comandante de los mercenarios griegos, y Aristarco de Poliakmon, vicecomandante de los «portadores de escudo».
They arrived in dribs and drabs and Philotas looked them up and down as though inspecting a division of troops, but with an expression of disgust on his face: Simmias of Neapolis, commander of the third battalion of pezhetairoi, Agesander of Leucopedion, deputy commander of the fifth squadron of hetairoi, Limnos of Calestra, commander of the first company of the Vanguard, Polemon and Attalus, brothers of Amyntas, commanders of the shock troops, and Aristarchus of Poliakmon, deputy of the shieldsmen.
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