Käännös "varios maestros" englanti
Varios maestros
Se dice que durante el incidente la policía golpeó salvajemente a varios maestros y los pateó delante de sus alumnos y que posteriormente dos de los maestros tuvieron que ser atendidos por un médico.
During the raid, several teachers were reportedly severely beaten and kicked in front of their pupils by police officers. Two of the teachers allegedly had to seek medical care after the incident.
37. El 24 de febrero, 375 indígenas pastos y awás se refugiaron en el Ecuador debido al homicidio del presidente del Resguardo Indígena de San Juan de Mayasquer y por las amenazas de muerte contra varios maestros por parte de las FARC-EP.
37. On 24 February, 375 members of the indigenous Pastos and Awá groups took refuge in Ecuador, due to the murder of the president of the indigenous reservation of San Juan de Mayasquer, and as a result of death threats against several teachers by FARC-EP.
Tras el incidente, las alumnas, y varios maestros efectuaron una marcha de protesta durante la cual fueron hostigados por varios colonos, quienes les arrebataron la bandera palestina que llevaban en un mástil, las golpearon con el mástil, propinaron patadas a algunas de ellas y les arrojaron piedras y botellas.
Following the incident, the pupils, accompanied by several teachers, staged a protest march during which they were harassed by several settlers who grabbed the Palestinian flag they were carrying on a pole, hit them with the pole, kicked several of them and threw stones and bottles at them.
Pues Yo tener varios maestros.
- Well, I have several teachers.
Sé que varios maestros, el Profesos Slughorn entre ellos, le sugirieron que se uniera al Ministerio de Magia, le ofrecieron concertar citas, presentarle a varios contactos.
I know that several teachers, Professor Slughorn amongst them, suggested that he join the Ministry of Magic, offered to set up appointments, put him in touch with useful contacts.
Supe que Fern, a sugerencia de las madres de la asociación, había invitado a varios maestros de las majlis de la zona a nuestra escuela, donde les cedían una sala para enseñar árabe y estudios coránicos, y a cambio cobraban una modesta suma, con lo que se evitaba también que otro gran porcentaje del alumnado desapareciera a mediodía o se pasara la mitad de la tarde haciendo tareas domésticas para esos maestros de las majlis, como en otros tiempos, a cambio de las cuotas.
I learned that Fern, at the suggestion of the mothers in the PTA, had invited several teachers from the local majlis into our school, where they were given a room to teach Arabic and Koranic studies, for which they were paid a small fee directly, and this stopped another large portion of the school population disappearing at midday or spending a part of every afternoon doing domestic chores for these majli teachers, as they once had, in lieu of payment.
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