Käännös "uno de fases" englanti
¿Pero cómo es que la señorita Stangerson había sido asesinada después, o más bien, parecía haber sido asesinada después? Naturalmente, tenía que reconstruir el caso en dos fases, dos fases separadas una de la otra por varias horas: la primera fase, durante la cual realmente habían intentado asesinar a la señorita Stangerson, tentativa que ella había disimulado;
If that were so, how was it that Mademoiselle had been attacked after? or rather, that she appeared to have been attacked after? It was necessary for me to reconstruct the occurrence and make of it two phases—each separated from the other, in time, by the space of several hours. One phase in which Mademoiselle Stangerson had really been attacked —the other phase in which those who heard her cries thought she was being attacked.
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