Käännös "unilateral" englanti
Pero, si la posibilidad de revocación no surge del contexto del acto jurídico unilateral ni de su naturaleza, la promesa unilateral y la renuncia unilateral son, en principio, irrevocables", al menos en la misma forma unilateral.
However, if the possibility of revocation derives neither from the context of the unilateral legal act nor from its nature, a unilateral promise and a unilateral waiver are in principle irrevocable) -- in the same unilateral manner, at least.
Pero, si la posibilidad de revocación no surge del contexto del acto jurídico unilateral ni de su naturaleza, la promesa unilateral y la renuncia unilateral son, en principio, irrevocables".
But if neither the context nor the nature of the unilateral legal act gives rise to the possibility of revocation, the unilateral promise or unilateral waiver is, in principle, irrevocable".
A. Declaraciones unilaterales
A. Unilateral declarations
“Una declaración unilateral ...”
“A unilateral declaration ...”
De lo contrario podría emplearse para eludir declaraciones que contienen obligaciones unilaterales calificándolas de resultantes de "comportamiento unilateral" y no de actos unilaterales.
Otherwise it might be used to circumvent statements containing unilateral obligations by qualifying them as resulting from "unilateral conduct" and not unilateral acts.
Existen enfoques unilaterales, declaraciones unilaterales, enfoques bilaterales y enfoques plurilaterales.
There are unilateral approaches, unilateral statements, bilateral approaches and plurilateral approaches.
A. Iniciativas unilaterales
A. Unilateral initiatives
- Tomaste una decisión unilateral.
- You made a unilateral decision.
Ataques aéreos unilaterales.
Unilateral air strikes.
Bien. Es unilateral.
Good. lt's unilateral.
Unilateral, me gusta eso.
Unilateral, I like that.
- ¿Tomó decisiones unilaterales?
- Make unilateral decisions?
Una agenesis pulmonar unilateral.
A unilateral pulmonary agenesis.
Hay muchas exigencias unilaterales.
There are many unilateral demands.
- Tomé una decisión unilateral.
- I took a unilateral decision.
Una decisión unilateral.
A unilateral choice.
Si tomas medidas unilaterales...
If you take unilateral-
—¿Una acción unilateral?
“A unilateral action?”
—Eres tú quien está tomando decisiones unilaterales.
“You’re the one deciding unilaterally.”
—Rediseño unilateral no autorizado, entonces.
Unsanctioned unilateral redesign, then.
Esto parecía inconsistente con la fractura unilateral.
That seemed inconsistent with unilateral fracturing.
«Incisión interseptocolumelar unilateral hasta pericardio».
Unilateral pararim incision to the perichondrium.
E incluso entonces, no tomaremos ninguna decisión unilateral.
‘Even then, no action is to be taken unilaterally.’
Israel se había dejado convencer para hacer concesiones unilaterales.
Israel was persuaded to make unilateral concessions.
Está la cuestión de obedecer órdenes y no de actuar de modo unilateral.
“There is the issue of following orders and not acting unilaterally.”
¿Pretendía responsabilizarse de todo o de verdad había sido una decisión unilateral?
Taking the burden of responsibility herself? Or was it really a unilateral decision?
Fue una conversación unilateral.
The conversation was one-sided.
Una conversación unilateral:
A one-sided conversation:
Tal y como fue, se trató de algo unilateral.
As it was, it was one-sided.
Las comunicaciones habían sido unilaterales.
Their communications scheme was one-sided.
—No se trata de algo unilateral.
"It isn't one-sided, doc.
—¡De momento ha sido unilateral!
Bit one-sided so far!
Se trataba de una correspondencia unilateral;
It was a one-sided correspondence;
la batalla era demasiado unilateral.
the battle was too one-sided.
Sobre el papel, es un cortejo unilateral.
On paper, it is a one-sided courtship.
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