Käännös "tomar la medicina" englanti
Tomar la medicina
take the medicine
Y que no olvide tomar la medicina.
And don't forget to take the medicine.
Los chicos querían entrar, tomar la medicina e irse.
The guys just wanted to come in and they wanted to take the medicine, and they wanted to leave.
Tengo que trabajar después de comer y tomar la medicina.
I have to work after eating and taking the medicine.
¿Ha terminado de tomar la medicina que le di?
Have you finished taking the medicine I gave you?
¿Has reconsiderado tomar la medicina?
Will you reconsider taking the medicine?
Debería dejar de tomar la medicina.
In my opinion, stop taking the medicine.
—No se ha querido tomar la medicina.
“Didn’t want to take his medicine.”
Tengo que tomar mi medicina.
he said, “and I got to take my medicine.”
—¿Puedo dejar de tomar las medicinas?
“Should I stop taking the medicine?”
—¿Va a tomar esta medicina sin más discursos?
You going to take this medicine with no more of your speeches?
Además, Mami ha de tomar su medicina ahora.
And Mummy has to take her medicine now.
La doctora dice que has dejado de tomar tus medicinas.
The doctor said you stopped taking your medicine.
¡Nacería deforme y monstruoso, tengo que tomar la medicina!
It would be born deformed and monstrous, I must take the medicine!
A todos les he dicho que esta mañana se olvidó de tomar su medicina.
I told everyone she forgot to take her medicine this morning.
Es como si se negara a tomar la medicina.
It is as simple as if she refused to take medicine.
Él miró fijamente a la figura vuelta de espaldas y recordó también otra cosa que había dicho el doctor Grogan; aquello de los enfermos que no quieren tomar la medicina.
He stared at her back; and recalled something else that Dr. Grogan had said--about patients who refused to take medicine.
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