Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Al parecer, en el pueblo y sus suburbios apenas se toleraba una limitada actividad económica.
In the town and surrounding suburbs, limited economic activity appears to be tolerated.
Es bien conocido que el Presidente Mwanawasa no toleraba ningún tipo de injusticia.
It is well-known that President Mwanawasa did not tolerate injustice in any form.
562. En Turquía no se toleraba la violencia doméstica.
562. Domestic violence was not tolerated.
La violencia contra los niños no se toleraba en esa sociedad aldeana.
Violence against children is not tolerated in that village society.
No se toleraba crítica alguna contra líderes del Gobierno, o incluso en contra de la Constitución.
No criticism of government leaders, or even of the Constitution, was tolerated.
La democracia verdadera sólo existía cuando se aceptaban las diferencias y se toleraba la diversidad.
Real democracy only existed when there was acceptance of differences and tolerance of diversity.
Es de sobra conocido que no toleraba ningún tipo de injusticia.
It is widely known that he did not tolerate injustice in any form.
El sistema reproducía las desigualdades sociales y toleraba la práctica de la discriminación dentro del mismo.
It reproduced social inequalities and tolerated the practice of discrimination within itself.
101. Nepal no toleraba ninguna forma de tortura.
101. Nepal does not tolerate any form of torture.
Tú... me tolerabas.
You... tolerated me.
Católicos que yo toleraba.
Catholics I tolerated.
No toleraba casi nada.
He didn't tolerate much of anything.
Sí, es que no lo toleraba.
She didn't tolerate it.
Pero lo toleraba
But I tolerated it
No toleraba la mediocridad
He could not tolerate mediocrity.
Tú apenas le tolerabas.
You barely tolerated him.
Te toleraba... A duras penas.
I tolerated you-- barely.
Te toleraba por obligación.
I tolerated you, because I had to.
La imperfección no se toleraba.
Imperfection was not to be tolerated.
Sencillamente no se toleraba.
It was simply not tolerated.
Maisie lo toleraba.
Maisie tolerated him.
No toleraba el deseo.
It could not tolerate desire.
Toleraba su silencio.
I tolerated his silence.
Él, sin embargo, la toleraba.
Yet he tolerates her.
Por eso toleraba a Erika.
That was why he tolerated Erika.
Tampoco toleraba la depresión.
Nor was depression tolerated.
Más que necesitárseme se me toleraba.
I was tolerated more than needed.
Lo toleraba porque tenía que hacerlo.
She tolerated it because she had to.
- No los toleraba.
- Couldn't stand them. - Ah, oui?
No me toleraba a mí.
It was me she couldn't stand.
Cuando estudiábamos, teníamos un profesor que no me toleraba.
Tom and I had a professor at Duke who couldn't stand me.
Kit, ya no lo toleraba más.
Kit, I couldn't stand it any longer.
¡Al principio, no lo tolerabas!
At first, I couldn't stand him!
¿No toleraba el trópico?
Couldn't stand the tropics?
Bien, no toleraba a ese idiota.
Good, I couldn't stand that little snotbag.
No toleraba verlo.
I couldn't stand the sight of him.
Usted es el único que toleraba sus malditos acertijos.
You were the only one who could stand her bleeding riddles.
Zangen no toleraba a Dietrich;
Zangen couldn't stand Dietricht;
De todo el mundo.» Excepto de Adolin, que no se lo toleraba.
From everyone. Except Adolin, who wouldn’t stand for it.
Mi madre no toleraba sus constantes quejas.
My mother could not stand her constant complaints.
No toleraba desatinos y los adoraba en secreto.
She would stand for no nonsense, and secretly adored them.
Mages no toleraba que nadie se sentara.
Mages would not allow us to sit at the modelling stand.
Había cerrado la carpeta y le había dicho que no toleraba que se riera de ella.
She’d closed the folder and told Biscottino that she couldn’t stand being made a fool of.
Hunter era el único hombre a quien Lucas toleraba a su espalda.
Hunter was the only man Lucas would let stand behind his back.
Iban a construirla juntos, y ella no toleraba la idea de hacerlo con otro.
They had been going to build it together, she could not stand the idea of doing it with another.
Yo no toleraba su voz comprensiva, el sudor de sus sienes, sus dedos nerviosos señalándome.
I couldn't stand his condescending tone, the perspiration on his temples, his nervous fingers pointing at me.
la gente siempre toleraba a Wilson, lo soportaba.
people always put up with Wilson, endured him.
No toleraba que golpearan un burro, o ahogaran un gatito.
She could not endure to see a donkey beaten or a kitten drowned.
Padecía una agudeza morbosa de los sentidos: sólo toleraba los alimentos más insípidos;
He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses; the most insipid food was alone endurable;
El mismo hombre que firmaba sin pestañear las órdenes de azotar o ahorcar a aquellos que el señor de Puivert condenaba no toleraba la visión de la sangre.
He, who signed the warrants for those the Seigneur condemned to a flogging or hanging, in truth could not endure the sight of blood.
Vi con toda claridad que si no toleraba su trato inicuo e injustificado, me vería obligado a padecer otra clase de tortura.
It was clear to me that if I did not endure his iniquitous and unwarranted treatment, I would be forced to suffer a different sort of torture.
Aún le producía extrañeza ver a tantos cristianos en Camelot, pero si la reina toleraba su presencia para complacer al rey, ¿quién era él para quejarse?
He still found it strange to see Christians in Camelot. But if the Queen could endure for the King’s sake, who was he to complain?
No sabía si el chico quería a su padrastro, si sólo lo toleraba o si le odiaba, Billy era muy reservado con sus emociones.
She didn’t know whether the boy loved his stepfather, merely endured him, or hated him. Billy was not one to volunteer information about his emotions.
Toleraba esas horas crueles hecha un ovillo en la depresión que el cuerpo de Martin había hecho en la paja cuando estaba vivo hasta que casi lograba imaginar que la estaba abrazando.
She endured their unfeeling hours by curling herself into the depression his body had made in the straw when he was alive, until she could almost imagine that he embraced her.
Entre la cantidad de rumores, suposiciones y habladurías, dos cosas destacaban con claridad: Nandu no toleraba que le derrotaran, y trataba muy mal a quienes le amonestaban.
Among the plethora of rumours, guess-work and gossip, two things stood out quite clearly: that Nandu could not endure to be defeated, and that he had very unpleasant ways of dealing with those who displeased him.
pero ella no había podido ofrecerle otra cosa que sus lágrimas, pues vivía en medio del sufrimiento y del olvido, y se la toleraba tan sólo a condición de que se mantuviera invisible para Popea y el César.
but she could offer him only tears, for she lived in oblivion and suffering, and was endured only in so far as she hid herself from Poppæa and Cæsar.
Y lo verían. Verían que él no toleraba equivocaciones.
And they would see. They would see that Yusef did not countenance failure.
—Miró a Gantry de reojo—. No puedes decir que era un buen hombre si toleraba lo que ocurría a bordo de esta nave.
You cannot say he was a good man, to countenance what went on aboard this ship.
El planeta que no toleraba la existencia de cualquier otro, cuyos encantadores, deliciosos e inteligentes habitantes aullaban de miedo, de fiereza y de odio asesino si se enfrentaban con alguien que no fuese de los suyos. Arthur sintió un escalofrío.
The place that could not countenance the existence of any other place, whose charming, delightful, intelligent inhabitants would howl with fear, savagery and murderous hate when confronted with anyone not their own. Arthur shuddered.
No toleraba los falsos y fraudulentos, pasó su vida desenmascarándolos.
Couldn't abide the fakes and frauds. Spent his life trying to debunk them.
Dijo que no toleraba el sabor de los animales así que de vez en cuando se atragantaba de sangre humana.
Said he couldn't abide the taste of livestock. So every once in a while, he went out and gorged himself on human blood.
No confiaba en las mujeres, ni toleraba el fracaso.
He did not trust women, and he could not abide failure.
Culpaba de esto a su incompetencia para leer los signos, y no toleraba comentarios de que el arte de la adivinación era inútil en sí.
She blamed this on her incompetence in reading signs, and would not abide suggestions that haruspicy itself was useless.
Katherine, la madre de Mitch, prefería que la llamaran Kathy, pero su padre no toleraba que le dijeran Danny en vez de Daniel.
Mitch's mother, Katherine, preferred to be called Kathy, but his father would not abide Danny instead of Daniel.
Aunque al final Zeitoun sabía reírse de esas cosas, lo único que no toleraba era que un cliente le levantara la voz a su mujer.
In the end, though, Zeitoun could laugh this kind of thing off, but the one thing he could not abide was a client raising their voice to Kathy.
Walter nunca iba a la iglesia pero no toleraba que nadie hablara con desprecio de Dios o de la religión, como tampoco toleraba blasfemias en su casa, y sin embargo, cuando se enfadaba, soltaba las palabras más obscenas que Lizabeta había oído jamás, que la intimidaban, pues sugerían una violenta repugnancia del cuerpo humano y del sexo, lo que implicaba, como debía admitir una esposa, que era ella quien se la producía.
He never went to church yet could not abide anyone speaking disparagingly of God, religion, as he could not abide profanity in the household and yet, when he became angry, he lashed out with the most obscene words Lizabeta had ever heard, which frightened her, suggesting such violent disgust with the human body and with sex, which meant, as a wife must acknowledge, with her.
A diferencia de lo que Westbrook le había contado a Web, toleraba a los que le robaban pequeñas cantidades y a los que consumían el producto porque, de lo contrario, nadie querría trabajar para él en el negocio del tráfico de drogas; era así de sencillo.
Contrary to what Westbrook had told Web, he could abide skimmers and even those who used the product because if you didnt you wouldnt have anyone willing to come to work for you in the drug trade, it was as simple as that.
Luego se puso a recortar la dura grasa blanca de unas costillas de cordero, porque Tío Philip no toleraba la grasa. De vez en cuando miraba a Melanie y abría y cerraba la boca, preocupada e insegura.
Now she agitatedly trimmed lamb chops, paring away the hard, white fat for Uncle Philip could not abide grease, glancing now and then at Melanie and opening and closing her mouth in a distressing, uncertain way.
Además había aprovecha-do a fondo la biblioteca de su tío José Francisco Vergara, hombre de pensamiento liberal y moderno, que no aceptaba limitación alguna a su inquietud intelectual y mucho menos toleraba la censura religiosa.
In addition, she had taken full advantage of her uncle Jose Francisco Vergara's library. He was a man of liberal and modern thought who accepted no boundary to his intellectual curiosity and did not abide religious censorship.
El asesino, un tal Duane Farmer, estaba por ser ejecutado en Mississippi Los diarios lo llamaron “el último integrante del Klan”, y lo era, un fanático prejuicioso de sesenta y ocho años que no toleraba la idea de un presidente negro, de modo que lo mató, con el revólver que usaba su abuelo en la Primera Guerra Mundial.
The shooter, one Duane Farmer, was currently sitting on death row in Mississippi. “The last of the Klan,” the newspapers called him, and so he was, at age sixty-eight, just a damned-by-everybody bigot who could not abide the thought of a black President, and had used his grandfather's World War One revolver to make it so.
No toleraba las distracciones.
She permitted no distractions.
Clemens no toleraba la esclavitud.
Clemens would not permit slavery.
Ella había aceptado toda la responsabilidad, y el marido, que la amaba, toleraba la acusación que ella se hacía.
Yet she charged herself, and the husband who loved her permitted her to charge herself.
Mas ésta, ardorosa como hierro candente, no toleraba el contacto ni aun en un momento de suprema amargura.
But these rocks, hot as red-hot plates of iron, permitted of no contact, even in a moment of horror.
Se sabía que era hombre duro, que no toleraba tonterías en sus caravanas y estaba preparado para enfrentarse a cuantas dificultades se presentaran.
He was known as a hard man, who permitted no nonsense on his trains and was prepared to handle any difficulties that arose.
Era mi provincia secreta y nadie más —toleraba a los pescadores de las tres casitas—, nadie que estuviera por encima de los aldeanos, tenía derecho a ella.
It was my secret province and no one else’s—I permitted the poor fishermen in the three cottages—no one else risen beyond peasanthood had any right to it.
A menudo se dormían juntas, abrazadas, y aunque a doña Carmen no le gustaba (“Nada de porquerías aquí”) toleraba esos momentos de ternura, acaso de afecto, porque no las distraían del trabajo.
The two girls often slept in each other’s arms, and although Dona Carmen did not like the idea (“No funny business here”) she permitted them these brief moments of tenderness and even affection, because they did not interfere with their work.
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