Käännös "temperamento nervioso" englanti
Temperamento nervioso
Es distinta al resto de nosotros. Tiene un temperamento nervioso y es sensible a estas cosas.
She's different from the rest of us- high-strung, nervous temperament, sensitive to things like this.
Un temperamento nervioso con apariencia tran­quila.
A nervous temperament, with a tired look.
Aunque usted le encontraba a ratos intensamente desagradable, era debido a su peculiar temperamento nervioso.
You realized that, while at times he was intensely disagreeable, it was because of his peculiar nervous temperament.
El doctor había partido, dejando una receta y recomendando que le preservasen con esmero de las emociones vivas, a causa de su temperamento nervioso y predispuesto a las enfermedades del corazón.
the doctor had prescribed him medicine and recommended 'great discretion in avoiding strong emotions' as being a subject of nervous temperament with a tendency to weakness of the heart.
Leería y viajaría más, se libraría de la presión que ejercía el temperamento nervioso y excitable de Carrol. Pero nunca volvería a ser el soltero que fue.
He could read and travel more, he would be away from the pressure of Carrol’s high-strung, nervous temperament—but he could never be a bachelor again in quite the same way.
su temperamento nervioso no podía soportar la agitación de leer los comentarios, que, por ineptos que sean, definen a un autor y su trabajo para tanta gente incapaz de juzgar por sí misma.
his nervous temperament could not bear the agitation of reading these remarks, which, however inept, define an author and his work to so many people incapable of judging for themselves.
Mi mejor amigo en el internado era un chaval de ojos penetrantes y temperamento nervioso que insistía en responder a las siglas JF, pese a que tenían poco o nada que ver con su nombre real.
My best friend at school was a boy with penetrating eyes and a nervous temperament who insisted on being called JF, though those initials had little or nothing to do with his real name.
Pienso que, a causa de su temperamento nervioso, no es nada fácil entendérselas con usted. Llegué a pensar que lo que la ligaba con usted era la lealtad personal. Pero veo claro que es la lealtad al trabajo y a lo que éste representa. Mason asintió.
I imagine that with your nervous temperament you’re not the easiest man in the world to get along with. I used to think it was a loyalty to you personally that kept her at it, but now I guess it’s a loyalty to the job and what it stands for.” Mason nodded.
Un redactor del World, de Londres, que tuvo una entrevista con Slade, le describe con estas palabras: «Es un hombre alto, esbelto, de temperamento nervioso, de aire soñador y místico, da rasgos regulares y ojos brillantes y expresivos, con una sonrisa ligeramente triste y una cierta gracia melancólica en sus maneras».
A representative of the London World, who had a sitting with Slade soon after his arrival, thus describes him: "A highly-wrought, nervous temperament, a dreamy, mystical face, regular features, eyes luminous with expression, a rather sad smile, and a certain melancholy grace of manner, were the impressions conveyed by the tall, lithe figure introduced to me as Dr. Slade.
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