Käännös "tan robusto" englanti
Tan robusto
so sturdy
Te ves tan robusto con ese vestido.
You look so sturdy in that gown.
Maryna, en constante movimiento de un lugar desconocido a otro, nunca se había sentido tan concentrada, tan robusta, tan impermeable a su entorno.
In constant movement from one unfamiliar place to the next, Maryna had never felt so concentrated, so sturdy, so impervious to her surroundings.
Habría preferido tener que trabajar con su robusto cuerpo de hombre joven antes que con su no tan robusto cerebro de hombre joven, pero el trabajo era el trabajo, y él se alegraba de poder tenerlo.
He would rather have worked his sturdy young man’s body than his not-so-sturdy young man’s brains, but work was work, and he was glad to have it.
De hecho me hizo pensar en Laurent, de tan robusto como era, y dormitaba en la cruz en aspa, con la cabeza sostenida derecha mediante un bonito collar azul repujado en oro y plata, aunque en ningún momento detuvo su sutil movimiento.
In fact he put me in mind of Laurent, he was so sturdy, and he dozed on the X cross, his head held upright by a beautifully embossed collar of blue and silver and gold, but he never stopped his subtle twisting movements.
Bueno, indudablemente no es tan robusta como era.
Well, she is certainly not as robust as she was.
O los huesos de la víctima no eran tan robustos como estaban hace seis meses.
Or our victim's Bones weren't as robust as they were six months ago.
Ella había soñado una vez con un amor tan robusto como la misma vida, tan duradero como el tiempo.
She had once dreamed of love as robust as life itself, enduring as time.
Su aspecto era bastante sano, parecía tan robusto como siempre y tenía buen color.
He looked hale enough, and he seemed still as robust as ever, and his color was good.
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