Käännös "tan furiosamente" englanti
Tan furiosamente
¿En qué trabajas tan furiosamente?
What is it that you're working on so furiously?
Deja que sufra -rio tan furiosamente que asustó a Baker-.
Let him suffer." She laughed so furiously that she startled Baker.
Colgó el tubo tan furiosamente que todo el aparato cayó del mostrador al piso.
He slammed the receiver down so furiously that the entire phone fell from the counter to the floor;
-dijo Rosemund, tan furiosamente que Kivrin no estuvo segura de que fuera a llevar al cachorrito de regreso-.
Rosemund said, so furiously Kivrin was not sure she trusted her to take the puppy back.
Caía tan furiosamente que apenas podían respirar, y su visión quedaba restringida a una decena de metros.
It fell so furiously that they could hardly breathe, and their vision was restricted to a dozen yards.
La frontera estaba a unos pocos estadios de distancia, tan furiosamente había conducido durante toda la noche desde que escapara del castillo del Legislador.
The norder was not many stadia away, so furiously had he driven through the night since he escaped from the Lawman’s castle.
el receptor de su hombre de contacto podría haber sido confundido con una mota de polvo si (implantado tras su oreja) no irradiara tan furiosamente.
their liaison man's receiver could have been taken for a grain of dust if it had not (implanted behind his ear) radiated so furiously.
Pero los procesos que contenían eran tan veloces, tan furiosamente enérgicos que, en esos pocos segundos, abarcaban más percepciones y experiencias, más vida que un siglo humano.
But so swift, so furiously energetic were the processes within it that those seconds encompassed more perception and experience, more living, than a human century.
pero Nodonn resplandecía ahora tan furiosamente que aquellos que estaban más cerca de la Alta Mesa cayeron hacia atrás, protegiendo sus ojos del resplandor rosa-dorado.
but Nodonn was now glowing so furiously that those closest to the High Table fell back, shielding their eyes from the rose-gold glare.
Las orejas se hicieron cargo de la tarea de vivir, descartaron el ruido de la gente y se concentraron en las cercetas que arrastraban tan furiosamente los pechos suaves por el agua.
His ears took over the business of living, they discounted the noise of the people and concentrated on the moorhens that were driving their smooth breasts so furiously through the water.
Dag estaba seguro de que recordaría este momento de creación durante toda su vida, tanto tiempo como llevara el cordón en torno al brazo, y cómo Chispa había derramado la sangre de su corazón tan furiosamente sobre él.
Dag was certain he would remember this hour of making as long as he lived, as long as he wore the cord curled around his arm, and how Spark had poured her heart's blood so furiously into it.
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