Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Sometieron sus casos a la Comisión unas 6.000 víctimas.
About 6,000 victims submitted their cases.
Las escuelas presentaron propuestas de programas que se sometieron a un equipo de selección.
Schools have submitted proposals for programmes that are then forwarded to a selection panel.
Los participantes sometieron las tres propuestas siguientes:
The following three proposals were submitted by the participants:
Eslovaquia y su vecino sureño sometieron una controversia a la Corte.
Slovakia and its southern neighbour have previously submitted a dispute to the Court.
Los observadores de los derechos humanos de la ONUB sometieron el caso a la fiscalía militar.
The ONUB human rights observers submitted the case to the Military Prosecutor's Department (Auditorat militaire).
En 2001 se sometieron al Tribunal tres causas.
4. In 2001, three cases were submitted to the Tribunal.
Los proyectos se sometieron a la consideración de los Ministros de Justicia en su reunión de 2002.
These model laws were submitted to Law Ministers for consideration at their meeting in 2002.
No se sometieron a la consideración de la Junta estados financieros certificados.
No certified financial statements were submitted to the Board for consideration.
También se sometieron a la consideración del Grupo varios documentos expositivos.
A number of issues papers were also submitted for the consideration of the Group.
Se sometieron ellos mismos a las máquinas de enseñanza en el Salón de aprendizaje.
They submitted themselves to the teaching machines in the Learning Hall.
Si ellos se sometieron a ello, ¿por qué no tú?
If they submitted to it, why not you?
En 1304, se sometieron a Eduardo.
In 1304, they submitted to Edward.
Los otros se sometieron al poder de la Lista.
The others submitted to the power of the List.
y las ciudades que se sometieron a él a lo ancho de todo el norte de la India.
and the cities which had submitted to him right across the north of India.
También se sometieron.
Then they too submitted.
Todos los hombres se sometieron al cacheo;
The men all submitted to a body search;
Y se Sometieron: al fin y al cabo, él les ofrecía el Paraíso.
They Submitted: he was offering them Paradise, after all.
Alegre, jovial, gozosamente, ambos se sometieron a operaciones.
Both gladly, cheerfully, joyfully, submitted to operations.
Perkins y la señorita Graham se sometieron a su castigo con estoicismo.
Perkins and Miss Graham submitted to their punishment stoically.
pero, al menos, nunca se sometieron al tedio de una veneración mal empleada.
but at least they never submitted to the boredom of a misplaced veneration.
Los Orsini se sometieron los primeros al mandato y, al día siguiente, los Colonna siguieron su ejemplo.
The Orsini were the first to submit: the next morning their example was followed by the Colonnas.
Aquellos que no se sometieron se trasladaron para unirse a tribus occidentales del mismo nombre.
Those who did not submit moved off to join westerly tribes bearing the same name.
pero en ese momento llegó Napoleón a Francia con un batallón, y los franceses, aunque lo odiaban, se sometieron a él al instante.
but at that moment Napoleon arrived in France with a battalion, and the French, who hated him, all submitted to him at once.
Además, lo sometieron a un simulacro de ejecución.
The author was furthermore subjected to a fake execution.
También me golpearon y sometieron a presión sicológica.
I was also beaten and subjected to psychological pressure.
Ellos nos sometieron a sus leyes, nosotros les vimos disponer de nuestras tierras.
They subjected us to their laws, we saw them claiming our land.
Los armenios lo sometieron a crueles palizas, le golpearon repetidas veces en la cabeza hasta que enloqueció y lo sometieron a humillaciones y tortura.
The Armenians subjected him to cruel beatings, hit him on the head repeatedly so he went out of his mind and subjected him to humiliation and torture.
Por razones prácticas, esas prórrogas de contrato no se sometieron a licitación.
For practical reasons, such contract extensions were not subject to bidding.
A lo largo del día los sometieron a palizas mortales.
During the course of the day, they were subjected to lethal beatings.
a) Los siguientes elementos del programa se sometieron a debates sustantivos:
(a) The following programme elements were subjected to substantive discussions:
y las sometieron a la esclavitud.
and subjected them to serfdom.
La sometieron varias veces a este tipo de interrogatorio.
She was subjected to this type of interrogation several times.
Las dos restantes se sometieron a consulta pública.
The two remaining ones have been the subject of public consultation.
Me usaron de rata de laboratorio. Me sometieron a experimentos.
I was a guinea pig, a test subject.
Porque sometieron a alguien al mismo proceso... aunque más avanzado.
Because someone else has been subjected to the same process... though more advanced.
"..que la razón al deseo sometieron"
When the reason is subjected to the desire
Me patearon los huevos y me sometieron.
I kicked the eggs and subjected me.
Le sometieron a una investigación del UEI
You were the subject of an S.I.U. investigation
Me sometieron a experimentos.
They turned me into a a test subject.
¿Por qué nadie me contó lo de las humillaciones a las que sometieron a nuestro pueblo?
Why didn't anybody tell me about the travesties our people have been subjected to?
Del resto, 256, se sometieron... al artículo 15 de castigos.
The rest, 256, were subjected to article 15 punishments.
Sometieron a la gente a privación sensorial, aislamiento total, electroshocks.
They subjected people to sensory deprivation, total isolation, electric shocks.
Cómo le sometieron a las presiones más vergonzosas para que confesara un crimen que no cometió.
How he had been subjected to the most outrageous pressures to confess to a crime he didn't commit.
No me sometieron a ningún castigo físico.
I was not subjected to physical abuse.
La sometieron a pruebas neurológicas, a tacs.
The child was subjected to neurological tests, CAT scans.
En el siguiente cuarto los sometieron a un registro exhaustivo.
In the next room, they were subjected to a thorough body search.
Quedó desconcertada cuando, además, los sometieron a duros registros.
She was disconcerted when they were subjected to searches as well.
La segunda, ¿o fue la tercera noche?, lo sometieron a descargas eléctricas.
The second, or was it the third night?, they subjected him to electric charges.
Mi piel conserva cicatrices de aquellas «pruebas» a las que los Salvatierra me sometieron.
I still bear the scars of the ordeals the Salvatierra kids subjected me to.
Allí lo sometieron a una terrible paliza de la que nunca llegó a recuperarse del todo.
There they subjected him to a terrible beating from which he never really recovered.
Pero por lo menos no la sometieron a ninguna disparatada alteración genética, como a Wolf.
But at least she wasn’t subjected to any bizarre genetic tampering like Wolf.”
Utilizaron ambos al máximo y sometieron Teruel a un fuego de artillería continuado.
They proceeded to use both to the full, and subjected Teruel to a relentless battering.
Clay fue presentado como un amigo de Washington y las cuatro lo sometieron de inmediato a un interrogatorio implacable.
Clay was introduced as a friend from Washington, and was immediately subjected to an all-out cross-examination by the four.
Quienes la propusieron aceptaron gentil y democráticamente esta realidad y se sometieron a la decisión de los representantes del pueblo y a la fuerza de la opinión pública.
The proponents graciously and democratically accepted this reality and bowed to the decision of the people's representatives and to the force of public opinion.
Otros, que había cargado los rociadores contra incendios con metal líquido, y que cuando los Corsai se recuperaron, días, semanas más tarde, se sometieron a él.
Some said he’d rigged the sprinklers with liquid metal, and when the Corsai had finally recovered days—weeks—later, they bowed to him.
Los 160 voluntarios se sometieron al experimento con cuatro variaciones, 40 voluntarios para cada configuración.
The 160 volunteers were put through the experiment with four variations, 40 volunteers for each setup.
—Me sometieron a un extenso interrogatorio —prosiguió—, pero a la postre Fordyce no tuvo suficientes pruebas para un caso criminal, de modo que no fui acusado.
“I was put through extensive questioning, but in the end Fordyce didn’t have enough evidence for a criminal case, so I wasn’t indicted.
Puede que fuera su único punto flaco, de ahí el entrenamiento intensivo al que me sometieron mis entrenadores marselleses. Apostaban por mi capacidad para desgastar al adversario. Bonnot se valía de su brutalidad para liquidarlos en los primeros asaltos, con todas sus ganas y sin contemplaciones.
That was the one likely chink in his armour, hence the intensive training I had been put through in Marseilles. My trainers were banking on my ability to wear out my opponent, while Bonnot counted on brute force to wipe out his opponents in the opening rounds.
Allí lo sometieron a unas pruebas de diagnóstico que le parecieron aún más exhaustivas que de costumbre, la mayoría ejecutadas por aparatos ópticos y computadoras con voces demasiado relajantes, que le decían que se pusiera de este modo y luego del otro. John hacía lo que le ordenaban sin saber para qué. Medicina moderna.
There he was put through a battery of diagnostic tests that seemed even more intensive than usual, most of them run by imaging machines and computers with too-relaxing voices, telling him to move this way and then that, while John in complete ignorance did what he was told. Modern medicine.
Le sometieron a algo que tuvo que ser desagradable. —Se refiere a lo que pasó en el juicio, y me recuerda desagradablemente cómo fui multada por el juez y cómo su propia abogada intentó destituirme en todos los frentes. —No hay nada que agradecerme, señor Lott —contesto, mientras recuerdo su helicóptero filmándome—.
“What you were put through couldn’t have been a good time.” He means what happened in court, and I’m reminded unpleasantly of being fined by the judge and Lott’s own attorney attempting to impeach me on every front. “There is nothing to thank me for, Mr. Lott,” I reply, as I think of his helicopter filming me.
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