Käännös "someterse es" englanti
Someterse es
submitting is
deberá, a solicitud de uno de ellos, someterse al arbitraje.
shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration.
A continuación, aquella habría de someterse a la aprobación del Secretario General.
The shortlist was then to be submitted to the Secretary-General for approval.
No obstante, el proyecto de Constitución todavía debe someterse a referendo.
It remained for the draft to be submitted to a referendum.
deberá, a solicitud de una de esas partes, someterse al arbitraje.
shall, at the request of one of those Parties, be submitted to arbitration.
Todos los exámenes deberían someterse a la consideración de la Conferencia.
All reports should be submitted to the Conference for its consideration.
Una enfermera debió someterse a un registro físico.
The female nurse was required to submit to a body search.
Las minorías han de someterse a la voluntad de la comunidad mayoritaria.
Minorities had to submit to the will of the majority community.
Obligación recíproca de someterse a arbitraje.
Reciprocal obligation to submit to arbitration.
someterse o afirmar;
to submit or to assert;
Y no podía someterse.
And she could not submit.
Deberían someterse al tiempo.
They should submit to time.
Disculparse equivaldría a someterse.
       To apologize would be to submit.
Es deber de la esposa someterse.
It is a wife's duty to submit.
Era impensable que aceptasen someterse a ellos.
It was unthinkable that they would submit.
¿Es que acaso tendrían que someterse a España?
Would they have to submit to Spain?
Lo único que tenía que hacer era someterse.
All you had to do was submit.
pero hay que someterse a la disciplina de la forma.
but you must submit to the discipline of form.
En cambio, el Estado como tal no debe someterse a la jurisdicción del tribunal.
On the contrary, the State as such must not be subject to the jurisdiction of the court.
La apreciación del concepto puede someterse al control del juez.
The correct interpretation of the concept is subject to judicial control.
A continuación debería someterse a la prueba descrita en el párrafo a).
It should then be subjected to the test described in (a).
y deben someterse a las normas en materia de derechos humanos.
and must be subject to human rights standards.
Tales materias no deben someterse al ejercicio del poder de veto.
Such matters should not be subject to veto power.
Convendrá conmigo en que este asunto no puede someterse a mediación.
As you will agree with me, the matter cannot be a subject of mediation.
Nota: Algunas cifras podrían someterse a revisión.
Note: Some figures may be subject to revision.
Las violaciones deben someterse a mecanismos de justicia y rendición de cuentas.
Violations must be subject to accountability and justice.
Tiene que someterse a un cacheo y a una verificación.
He has to be searched and subjected to a check.
o el someterse a estados de hambre, fatiga, tensión;
subjecting themselves to states of hunger, fatigue, and stress;
–¿Se niega a someterse a la prueba del fuego?
“You refuse to subject yourself to ordeal by fire?”
Para someterse a una de las inspecciones escrupulosas de Ammi.
To subject himself to one of Ammi’s scrupulous audits.
Y mientras piensen eso, no accederán a someterse a los hombres.
And while they think that, they will never be subject to men.
Someterse a la brutalidad de los otros hombres sin quejarse.
Subjecting himself to the brutality of other men without complaint.
Tras someterse, naturalmente, a un examen médico satisfactorio.
Subject of course to a satisfactory medical examination.
Sería un poco dura, la más severa a que podía someterse.
It would be a pretty severe test; the severest he could subject himself to.
Si opone resistencia, tendrá que someterse al beso de los dementores.
“If you struggle, you will be subjected to the Dementor’s Kiss.”
Ninguna de ellas podía imaginar someterse a dicho trago.
None of them could imagine subjecting herself to such a trial.
Randall razonó que la meta era someterse a un poder mayor.
Randall reasoned, it was about subjecting oneself to a greater power.
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