Käännös "ser y es ser" englanti
Ser y es ser
  • to be and is to be
  • be and is being
be and is being
A algunos Presidentes que somos anticapitalistas nos acusan de ser autoritarios, de ser, además de eso, totalitarios, dictadores.
Some anti-capitalist presidents are accused of being authoritarian or totalitarian, of being dictators.
Las palabras y los idiomas definen al ser humano como ser pensante.
Words and languages define human beings as thinking beings.
Todo lo que existía era este ser, y este ser lo era todo.
All that was, was this being, and this being, was everything.
Como el silbido del viento, la sensación de ser vaciada, de ser devorada, ¡de ser nada!
Like the whistling wind, the sensation of being emptied, of being devoured; of being nothing!
Ser no era ser feliz, claro;
Being was not Well-Being;
Ser adultos y ser amigos.
Being adults and being friends.
Por ser bueno, por ser precisamente como eres;
For being—well, for just being;
Ser consciente sin ser consciente de nada.
Being aware without being aware of anything.
—preguntó Juris—. ¿Por ser ingenuos? ¿Por ser débiles? ¿Por ser falibles pese a nuestro gran poder?
Juris asked. “For being foolish? For being frail? For being fallible despite our great powers?
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