Käännös "se les enseñó" englanti
Se les enseñó
  • they were taught
they were taught
Se les enseñó en la agricultura.
They were taught in agriculture.
Para no tener miedo de ser lo que son, y no tomar todo lo que se les enseñó en la escuela o en los medios de comunicación,
To not be afraid to be who they are, and not to take everything they were taught in the school or in the media, or anywhere else just as a given, but actually to question what is being said,
Si el viera lo que los Iban eligieron para que se les enseñe, se volvería a ir.
If he saw the Iban choosing what they were taught, he'd have a fit.
Hace mucho tiempo, entre otras mentiras, se les enseñó que el silencio era lo valioso.
Long ago, among other lies, they were taught that silence was bravery.
Se les enseñó a reparar el que tenían.
They were taught to repair the one they had.
Se les enseñó a moverse con un cuchillo como si éste fuera una simple extensión de la mano.
They were taught to move with a knife as if it were an extension of the hand.
Se les enseñó cómo leer, escribir, manejar automóviles y nadar, pero no se les enseñó cómo manejar su flujo de dinero.
They were taught how to read, write, drive cars and swim, but they were not taught how to manage their cash flow.
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