Käännös "se ha comprometido" englanti
Ahora ya se ha comprometido, se nota en sus ojos».
He has committed himself now, by the evidence of his own eyes.
Si todo el mundo se ha comprometido a decir que es un Rafael, resultaría muy difícil persuadirlos de que cambien de parecer.
If everyone has committed themselves to calling it a Raphael, it would be difficult to persuade them to change their minds.
Estamos comprometidos con ello.
We are committed to this.
Australia está comprometida.
Australia is committed.
Con él está comprometido nuestro pueblo.
We are committed to it.
Estamos comprometidos con esto. Creo que comprometidos con toda la razón.
We are committed. I believe we are rightly committed.
Pero estaba comprometido.
But he was committed.
Estoy comprometido con él.
I'm committed to it.
Estamos comprometidos en esto.
We’re committed on this.”
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