Käännös "resignado" englanti
No es éste el momento para la desesperación o la resignada pasividad.
Now is not the time for despair or resigned passiveness.
En general, la mujer está resignada y sometida a las decisiones unilaterales del hombre.
Women, in general, are resigned and defer to decisions taken unilateral by men.
Como bien se puede percibir, África no se ha resignado, ni está inerte ante las inmensas dificultades.
Africa, as can be readily seen, is neither resigned nor apathetic in the face of its immense difficulties.
- La pasividad de la mujer, que procede como víctima resignada.
- the passiveness of women, who assume the role of victims and are resigned.
29. La tolerancia y el respecto implican no una aceptación resignada sino una acogida entusiasta de la diversidad.
Tolerance and respect involved not resigned acceptance but enthusiastic welcoming of diversity.
Durante demasiado tiempo nos hemos resignado a la impotencia.
For too long we have all been resigned to being powerless.
En consecuencia, muchos gobiernos habían asumido una actitud resignada de "no intervención" en este campo.
Many Governments have consequently adopted a resigned “hands-off” approach in this matter.
Nos hemos resignado a ello.
We have silently resigned ourselves succumbed to that.
No estamos desesperados, ni nos hemos resignado a vivir en un estado de impotencia.
We are not desperate, nor have we resigned ourselves to a state of helplessness.
Otros, más resignados o más realistas, se conformarían con un asiento permanente sin el privilegio del veto.
Others, being more resigned -- or more realistic -- would be happy with a permanent seat without the privilege of the veto.
Resignado, tranquilizado... encantada.
Resigned, reassured... delighted.
Harry estaba resignado.
Harry's resigned.
¿Te has resignado?
You feel resigned?
Molesto, pero resignado.
Upset, but resigned.
No estoy resignada.
I'm not resigned
Ofendida, resignada, halagada,
Offended, resigned, flattered:
Resignado, aceptándolo, derrotado.
Resigned, accepting, defeated.
- Resentido no, resignado.
Not bitter, just resigned.
Resignada, esa soy.
- Resigned, I am.
—Soy consciente del hecho y estoy resignado a ello. —¡Resignado a ello!
“I am conscious of the fact and resigned to it.” “Resigned to it!
Ya me he resignado a eso.
I’m resigned to that.
Ya se había resignado.
She was resigned to it.
Ya estaba resignado.
He was resigned in advance.
estaba resignado a ello.
I was resigned to it.
Vigilante, resignado.
Watchful, resigned.
Pero no está resignado, no está paralizado.
But not resigned, not numbed.
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