Käännös "representa la ley" englanti
Representa la ley
  • represents the law
  • it represents the law
represents the law
No somos monstruos pero yo represento la ley.
We're not monsters but I represent the Law.
¿Alguien que se supone que representa la ley, y aún así opera con su propio sentido de la justicia?
Somebody who's supposed to be representing the law, and yet operates in his own sense of justice?
Ese hombre de apariencia estúpida representa la ley... y tiene un papel... que detendrá a tu actriz... en su primera cantata.
Well, that big, stupid-looking man represents the law... and he's got a piece of paper in his pocket... that's going to stop your prima donna... right in the middle of her first cantata.
—Yo represento la ley aquí —dijo tajante—. Y no existe otra.
‘I represent the law,’ he said sharply. ‘There is no other.’
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