Käännös "que le quedaba" englanti
Que le quedaba
El llanto al correr se llevó la hombría que le quedaba.
Those tears washed away what was left of his manhood.
Sólo pudo quedarse sentada, con lo que le quedaba de ropa.
She just, you know, sat there, in what was left of her... clothes.
Una pistola descargada en una mano y una sonrisita perturbadora en lo que le quedaba de rostro.
An unloaded gun in one hand and a rather disturbing grimace on what was left of his face.
Recogió, nos dio lo que le quedaba de comida, y le observamos irse... así.
Packed up, gave us what was left of his food, And we watched him head off. Just like that.
En él les dejaba todo lo que poseía, o lo que le quedaba, a ti y a tu hermana, sus únicas herederas.
Leaving everything he owned, or at least what was left of it, to you and your sister, his only living heirs.
Advirtió, sin embargo, que aún quedaba la parte más difícil del proceso.
He cautioned, however, that the most difficult part of the process is yet to come.
Sin embargo, destacó que aún quedaba mucho por hacer en ambos países.
However, he stressed that there remained much to be done in both countries.
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