Käännös "que estar cansado" englanti
Que estar cansado
Es un pueblo sin esperanza, cansado y agobiado ...
They are a people without hope, tired and oppressed ...
Estamos cansados de perseguir el final del arco iris.
We are tired of chasing the end of the rainbow.
Todos ustedes están medio dormidos, todos están cansados.
All of you are asleep, all of you are tired.
Creemos que se han cansado de esta guerra, como nosotros.
We think they are tired of this war, like we are.
Están muy cansados, están agotados físicamente.
You are very tired, very low, physically.
Están cansados del terrorismo, cansados del despotismo y cansados del odio.
They are tired of terrorism, tired of despotism and tired of hatred.
Estamos cansados de las acusaciones de ritual contra Ghana.
We are tired of the ritual accusations against Ghana.
Dadme a vuestros cansados, vuestros pobres,
Give me your tired, your poor,
Los pueblos del Oriente Medio están cansados; cansados del derramamiento de sangre y cansados de la violencia.
The people of the Middle East are tired -- tired of bloodshed and tired of violence.
¿Por qué tienes que estar cansado, chico?
What do you have to be tired about, boy?
-Tiene que estar cansado, ése es el punto. -¿Cansado?
-lt's got to be tired, that's the whole point.
Cuando pestañeas y son las 5:30 y otra vez hay que levantarse. Y sabes que estarás cansado todo el día, toda la semana, toda la vida.
When you blink and it's 5:30 and it is time to get up again, and you know you're going to be tired all day, all week, all your fucking life.
Hemos visto Top Gear durante dos horas así que estarás cansada.
We've watched Top Gear for two hours so you've got to be tired by now.
Estaba cansado, cansado de aquel idiota, cansado de todo, cansado de la vida misma.
He was tired: tired of this jackass, tired of everything, tired of life itself.
Cansado, cansado —murmuró—, estoy tan cansado
Tired, tired,” he murmured, “oh so tired.
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