Käännös "que era parte integrante" englanti
Que era parte integrante
  • that was an integral part
  • which it was an integral part
that was an integral part
Los programas conjuntos serán parte integrante de ese cometido.
Joint programmes will be an integral part of this.
Este protocolo se propone como parte integrante del tratado.
The protocol is proposed as an integral part of the treaty.
Forman parte integrante de la sociedad turca.
They are an integral part of the Turkish society.
Forma parte integrante del Programa.
It is an integral part of the Agenda.
La Oficina forma parte integrante de la Secretaría.
The Office is an integral part of the Secretariat.
que forman parte integrante de la presente declaración.
- which are integral parts of this declaration.
Es parte integrante del sistema de las Naciones Unidas.
It is an integral part of the United Nations system.
Cachemira era parte integrante de la India.
Kashmir was an integral part of India.
Era parte integrante de la cultura de Zuñi.
He was an integral part of Zuñi culture.
Partes integrantes de la India —añadió para redondear.
Integral parts of India,” he added, for good measure.
La munición es parte integrante de un arma de fuego. Sin ella, es incompleta.
The ammunition is an integral part of a gun. Without it, a gun is incomplete.
una oscuridad invernal formaba parte integrante del hombre mismo;
wintry darkness was an integral part of the man himself;
eran avisos aislados, pero que constituían partes integrantes de un esquema general.
separate but integral parts of an all-over pattern. And they are.
—Sí. Pero la confesión es parte integrante de la religión católica, no de la nuestra.
“Yes. But confession is an integral part of the Catholic faith. That’s not the case with ours.”
El Estado de Jammu y Cachemira era parte integrante, etcétera, etcétera, fin.
The state of Jammu and Kashmir was an integral part, et cetera et cetera, the end.
A pesar de su torpe figura estos hombres constituían una parte integrante de la Gran Cocina.
Coarse as these men appeared, they were an integral part of the Great Kitchen.
Surgió tan rápidamente el fuego, que parecía formar parte integrante del terremoto.
So quickly did the fire begin that it appeared to be an integral part of the earthquake.
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