Käännös "privado de ello" englanti
Privado de ello
Tal vez un anciano monje (uno de aquellos —o casi— que, antaño, habían transportado la reliquia, sobre un burro molido a palos y que cedía bajo el peso de los relicarios, espectro en medio del ejército espectral de los clérigos aterrados mirando por encima del hombro el incendio de la ermita, en un alboroto de sarracenos o de avaros, la reliquia que Juliette, abajo, en la cocina, ya no soltaba), quizá ese anciano monje glosador de Benito le sopló, al azar de la primera página abierta, que «si uno de los hermanos se muestra apegado a algo, importa que inmediatamente se vea privado de ello», y que si por sí solo destierra ese algo, su más austera salvación será más segura.
Perhaps an old monk (it could almost have been one of those who had long ago transported the relic by donkey beaten and bowed under the reliquary, a ghost among the ghost army of terrified clerics glancing back at the hermitage burning in the tumult of Saracen battle cries – the relic that Juliette, below in the kitchen, now kept with her always), perhaps this old annotator of Benoît whispered to him at random, from the first page that fell open, that “if one of the brothers shows himself to be attached to something, it is important that he be immediately deprived of it,” and that if he himself banishes this thing, all the more bitter but all the more certain will be his salvation.
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