Käännös "perfume caro" englanti
Perfume caro
*Tenemos perfume caro*
♪ We've got expensive perfume
Dices que encontraste este medallón, pero quién dice que no lo cogiste de una de las Marions que trabajan aquí, y ahora falta un perfume caro.
You say you've found this locket, but whose to say you didn't lift it from... one of the Marions that work here, and now with an expensive perfume missing.
Voy a rociarme perfume caro.
I'm gonna go douse myself with some expensive perfume.
Usa un perfume caro, va a una piscina con un alto contenido de cloro, le gusta el café fuerte y siempre come cosas redondas.
You wear an expensive perfume, go to the swimming pool with high contents of chlorine, you like strong coffee and you eat round things all the time.
Su perfume caro me dio una erupción cutánea.
Your expensive perfume gave me a rash.
Una niñera asustada usando perfume caro.
A frightened nursemaid and expensive perfume. What does that mean?
Las mujeres me rozaban ligeramente al pasar y olían a perfume caro.
Women brushed me, smelling of expensive perfume.
El pelo oscuro le brillaba y olía a un perfume caro.
Her dark hair was shiny, and she smelled of expensive perfume.
La estancia olía a perfume caro. La muchacha estaba desnuda.
The room smelled of bright copper and expensive perfume. The girl was nude.
No es un perfume caro, pero sí intenso. ¡Qué más da! ¿Cómo se llama usted?
No expensive perfume, and a bit too strong, but what an effect! What’s your name?”
Qué curioso que siempre apestara a perfume caro cuando nos hacía arrumacos.
Funny how she always reeked of expensive perfume as she smothered us with hugs and kisses.
De él emanaba bisabol, un perfume caro de las tierras que hay al norte del mar de arena.
Bisabol blew out of him, expensive perfume from lands above the sand sea.
Olía a perfume caro y me eché hacia atrás para verla mejor.
She smelled of expensive perfume and I pulled back slightly to see her better.
Si podía, Aurelia también quería darse el capricho de comprarse un perfume caro.
If she could find it, Aurelia had also resolved to buy some expensive perfume as a treat.
Y Sirpa siempre se pone igual de contenta y de emocionada cuando él le regala un perfume caro o una radio nueva para la cocina.
And Sirpa is always happy and teary-eyed when he gives her an expensive perfume or a new radio for the kitchen.
Obedecí y olí el perfume caro y vi el maquillaje y las pestañas postizas que sólo se ponía en ocasiones muy especiales.
I did so and noticed the expensive perfume and the makeup and false eyelashes that she applied only for very special occasions.
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