Käännös "pensar en estar" englanti
Me resulta raro pensar... en estar con otra persona... estuvimos juntos por seis años.
I mean, it's just weird to think about being with anybody else...
Nathan ya es suficiente duro para mi pensar en estar desnuda frente a ti.
Nathan it's hard enough for me to even think about being naked in front of you.
¡Pero entonces, cuando estamos separados, lo único que hago es pensar en estar contigo y me está volviendo una maldita loca!
But then, when we're apart, all I do is think about being with you and it's driving me freakin' nuts!
Porque no podía dejar de pensar en estar con una niña pequeña.
Because I couldn't stop thinking about being with a Iittle girl.
Todo el tiempo que hemos estado separados. no he podido ni pensar en estar con nadie mas.
The whole time we've been apart, I haven't been able to think about being with anybody else.
Pero aunque nos debilitábamos por el hambre y nos defendíamos de ataques de osos, lo que nos mantuvo fue pensar en estar con nuestros seres queridos en Acción de Gracias.
But even as we grew weak with hunger and fended off bear attacks, the thing that kept us going was the thought of being with our loved ones on Thanksgiving.
No puedo soportar el pensar en estar lejos de tí por dos semanas enteras.
I can't stand the thought of being away from you for whole two weeks.
Pensar en estar en ese auto con las niñas por 10 horas manejando a Salt Lake City...
The thought of being in that car with the kids for ten hours driving to Salt Lake City... Ugh!
probablemente sea muy malo que la única cosa que me hace feliz es el pensar en estar con Ephram pero es la verdad.
It's probably really bad that the only thing that makes me happy is the thought of being with Ephram but it's true.
Sólo pensar en estar encerrada, sería como la muerte.
The thought of being confined, trapped. It'd be like death.
Pero, uh, pensar en estar a dos billones de millas de ti...
But the, uh, thought of being two billion miles away from you...
Supongo que da un poco de miedo pensar en estar totalmente solo
I guess it's just scary, you know, the thought of being totally single.
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