Käännös "oreja perforada" englanti
Oreja perforada
Srta. Haywood, tiene las orejas perforadas.
Ms. Haywood ... you have pierced ears.
El arete que encontró es para orejas perforadas.
The earring you found was for pierced ears.
Es curioso, últimamente aprendí algo sobre pendientes. Y noté que lleva las orejas perforadas.
It's funny, just recently I had a little education in earrings and I noticed that you have pierced ears.
No puedo creer que tenga la oreja perforada.
I can't believe I have pierced ears.
Tienes suerte de que no sea como las orejas perforadas, donde los agujeros se cierran.
Wow. You're lucky it's not like pierced ears, Where the holes grow shut.
La rubia, en cambio parece casi ordinaria. Ni siquiera tiene las orejas perforadas.
She doesn't even nave pierced ears
Rodéate de gente y de amor y de bebés con orejas perforadas.
Surround yourself with people and love and babies with pierced ears.
Tiene, por lo menos, una oreja perforada.
‘He has at least one pierced ear.’
Las orejas perforadas de Cricket eran chulas.
Cricket’s pierced ears looked cool.
—Pensaba que todas las niñas tenían las orejas perforadas.
I thought every girl had pierced ears.
El botones tiene la oreja perforada, pero se ha quitado el pendiente.
The bellhop has a pierced ear, but he's got the earring out.
Tú, con tus orejas perforadas y el pelo estilo punk, debes de estar de broma.
You with your pierced ears and punk hair, you’ve got to be kidding.”
Llevaba las uñas pintadas de rosa, las orejas perforadas y dentadura postiza.
Her nails were painted pink, and she had dentures and pierced ears.
Tras un instante, el hombre de la oreja perforada sacudió la cabeza y apartó a un lado la mano de Clavain.
After a moment the man with the pierced ear shook his head and brushed Clavain’s hand aside.
Una doméstica introdujo mis rizos por el agujero de la corona dorada y otra me puso unos lindos pendientes de cristal en mis orejas perforadas.
A woman coaxed my curls through the hole in the gold coronet, another looped a pretty pair of crystal earrings through my pierced ears.
Virginia tenía el pelo rubio, era la única niña de quinto curso que tenía las orejas perforadas y las uñas pintadas y Timothy Stokes estaba enamorado de ella.
Virginia had blond hair, and she was the only girl in the fifth grade with pierced ears and painted fingernails, and Timothy Stokes was in love with her.
"Vaya, así que sois un principito malo, ¿no es así?", me susurró una de ellas al oído, una encantadora princesa de pelo negro azabache con las orejas perforadas y adornadas de oro.
‘O, so you’re a bad little Prince, are you?’ said one of them in my ear, she a lovely raven-haired one with pierced ears adorned with gold.
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