Käännös "ocurrir de a" englanti
Ocurrir de a
happen from to
Las leyes sobre derechos civiles dirán eso y lo otro, pero los blancos siempre encuentran maneras de burlar la ley. A partir de ahora, no sé lo que va a ocurrir, pero algo habrá de ocurrir, porque los negros lo estamos intentando con todas nuestras fuerzas.
The civil rights laws can say certain things, but some white people can figure out ways to get around the law. I don’t know what’s going to happen from now on, but something’s bound to, because our people are working at it as hard as they can.
La fotólisis puede ocurrir en condiciones ambientales.
Photolysis may occur under environmental conditions.
Este tipo de incidentes no volvió a ocurrir.
No similar incidents have occurred since.
Además, pueden ocurrir accidentes nucleares.
Furthermore, nuclear accidents can occur.
Ese tipo de acoso no debe ocurrir.
Such harassment should not occur.
Formuló la esperanza de que esto no volviera a ocurrir.
It was hoped that this would not occur again.
El FMI no entiende cómo podría ocurrir.
IMF does not understand how this could occur.
Este tipo de crisis no debe volver a ocurrir.
This sort of crisis must not occur again.
Ya se me ocurrirá algo.
Something will occur to me.
Se me acaba de ocurrir
It just occurred to me…
Ni se le ocurrirá que sea esto.
And it would never occur to him that it would be this.
—No ocurrirá semejante tragedia.
No such tragedy will occur.
No se le debió ocurrir.
It must not have occurred to him.
¿Cómo ha podido ocurrir?
How did this occur?
Pero aquello no volvería a ocurrir.
But that should not occur again.
—¿No está seguro de que esto vaya a ocurrir?
“You’re not sure this will occur?”
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