Käännös "nuca" englanti
Cuando su padre vino a buscarlo, lo encontró tendido en el suelo, con marcas de golpes en la cabeza y en la nuca.
When his father came to look for him, he reportedly found him lying on the ground with signs of blows to the head and nape of the neck.
A partir de ese momento empezaron a golpearme el tobillo, me dieron bofetadas y golpes en la nuca y profirieron amenazas de toda clase.
From then on, they began to beat my ankle, slapped me, hit me on the nape of the neck and made all kinds of threats.
Durante la investigación realizada por la Fiscalía Militar de Destacamento de Poznań se determinó que, entre el 20 y el 24 de junio de 2001, en las instalaciones de la Dependencia Militar 3293 de Powidz, los mencionados soldados, mientras se encontraban en la enfermería del establecimiento, golpearon con las palmas de las manos en la cara y la nuca a tres soldados de menor antigüedad en el servicio militar que se hallaban en ella.
In the course of the investigation led by the Military Garrison Prosecutors' Office in Poznań it was established that on the premises of Military Unit 3293 in Powidz, in the period from 20 until 24 June 2001, the aforementioned soldiers, in the Unit's infirmary, struck with palms of their hands the faces and napes of three soldiers junior in terms of the duration of military service staying in that room.
M.A. sufrió lesiones corporales, en particular una contusión nasal, una fractura del hueso lateral de la espinilla derecha y de la nuca, una escoriación de la piel y un doble hematoma donde se llevan las gafas.
M.A. then incurred bodily injuries in the form of a contusion of the nose, of a lateral bone of the right shank and of the nape, as well as an abrasion of the skin and a doublesided haematoma in the area where glasses are worn.
Los días 16 y 17 de julio de 2001, después de la retreta, los autores obligaron a los jóvenes reclutas a tirarse al suelo tras oír la palabra "granada", a colgarse de una litera al oír la palabra "batman", a hacer las camas de otros soldados, a subirse al alféizar de una ventana e imitar el maullido de un gato, a hacer flexiones de pecho, a aprender y recitar poesías sobre la "ola" y a recibir golpes en la nuca propinados con la palma de la mano.
And so, on 16 and 17 July 2001 after the tattoo, the aforementioned perpetrators made the newly admitted soldiers fall on the floor after hearing the word "grenade", hang under a bunk upon hearing the word "batman", make beds for other soldiers, climb a window sill and imitate a cat's meow, do push-ups, learn and recite poems about the "wave", and moreover hit them in the nape with the palm of the hand.
Pegar a los soldados (generalmente con la palma de la mano en la nuca, el denominado "karczycho"), a menudo obligándoles a expresar un agradecimiento especial por el golpe o a recitar poemas.
Hitting soldiers (most often with an open palm of the hand in the nape - so-called "karczycho"), which is frequently coupled with forcing a soldier to express special gratitude for a strike or to recite poems;
h) El asunto 1 Ds. 13/02/Ś, registrado en la Fiscalía de Distrito de Wrocław, se refería a actos cometidos por funcionarios de la Jefatura Municipal de Policía de Włocławek, que se excedieron en sus atribuciones (maltrato, golpe en la nuca con un objeto no identificado y abuso verbal) durante la detención de M.A., un ciudadano ucranio con residencia permanente en Polonia, sospechoso de tenencia ilícita de explosivos, concretamente granadas, e infligieron vejaciones a sus parientes cercanos.
(h) Case 1 Ds. 13/02/Ś of the District Prosecutors' Office in Wrocław concerned actions exceeding their powers (beating, striking a blow in the nape of the neck with an unidentified object, verbal abuse) committed by officers of the Police from the municipal headquarters of the Police in Włocławek during the arrest of M.A., a citizen of Ukraine residing permanently in Poland, in connection with information on his illegal possession of explosive devices in the form of grenades, and abusing members of his closest family.
¡Le cortaremos la nuca!
We will cut his nape!
- Sólo la nuca, ¿verdad?
- Only the nape of the neck, right?
¿Nuca amarilla del Amazonas?
Yellow-naped amazon?
-Le mira la nuca.
- You're looking at her nape.
¿La nuca libre?
The nape well clear?
Eso es "-nuca-ing chico."
That's "kid-nape-ing."
ve por la nuca!
You go for its nape!
- Sólo la nuca.
- Only the nape.
Apuñalada en la nuca.
Stabbed in the nape of the neck.
¿Se protegió la nuca?
He protected his nape?
Ni cosquilleos en su nuca. Nada.
No tingles at the nape of her neck. Nothing.
Sintió un escalofrío en la nuca.
There was a chill on the nape of his neck.
Ahí estaba ahora, en la nuca de ella.
There it was now, at the nape of her neck.
Tenía el cabello atado en la nuca.
His hair was tied back at the nape.
El pelo de la nuca se le erizó.
The hair on the nape of his neck bristled.
Se me erizó el vello de la nuca.
It tightened the flesh on the nape of my neck.
Una no se recoge el pelo en la nuca para recogerse el estúpido pelo en la estúpida nuca. ¿No? Inténtalo de nuevo.
You don’t gather your hair at the nape to gather stupid hair at a stupid nape. No? Try again.
Descansar mis dedos en tu nuca.
Resting my fingers on the nape of your neck.
A mí me arrastraban cogiéndome por la nuca en trenes de media noche y con un frío que me...
I was dragged around by the scruff of my neck on midnight trains and in freezing weather and I would
"Se bajó los pantalones y me agarró firmemente por la nuca"
"He pulled his trousers down and grabbed me firmly from my scruff"
Le agarré por el hombro y por la nuca.
I grabbed him by the shoulder and the scruff of his neck.
Lo cogió por la piel de la nuca y lo sacó.
He took a firm grip of the skin on the scruff of its neck and lifted it out.
Entonces recuperó la memoria, como si le saltara a la nuca dolorida.
Memory seized him then, it felt as though by the scruff of his aching neck.
Agarró a Malfoy por la nuca y lo empujó hacia la puerta;
He seized Malfoy by the scruff of the neck and forced him through the door ahead of the rest;
Nodonn agarró a Isak Henning por la nuca y lo arrastró dentro, pataleando.
Nodonn plucked Isak Henning up by the scruff and held him dangling.
La llevó cogida de la piel de la nuca hasta el centro de la habitación y la posó en el suelo.
She carried it into the middle of the room by the scruff of its neck, and put it on the floor.
En cuanto Tigre se escapaba entre la maleza Lince le traía cogido por la piel de la nuca.
The minute Tiger went into the bushes Lynx fetched him back by the scruff of the neck.
Se había metido un brazo por la boca y agarrado a Max por el pellejo de la nuca.
She had thrust her arm into her mouth, taking hold of Max by the scruff of his neck.
Protestó, pero el perro dijo: «Si no me crees, mírame la nuca.
When he protested, the dog said, ‘If you don’t believe me, look at the scruff of my neck.
Su primer impulso fue tomar al niño por la nuca y sacudirle para quebrantar su actitud retadora;
His first instinct was to take the boy by his scruff, and thrash the defiance out of him.
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