Käännös "necesitaba pensar" englanti
Necesitaba pensar
  • i needed to think
i needed to think
—Porque había cosas sobre las que necesitaba pensar.
Because there were things I needed to think about.
Y, dado mi carácter, era todo lo que necesitaba pensar.
Given my character, that was all I needed to think.
Necesitaba pensar en algo agradable y reconfortante.
I needed to think about something pleasant and comforting.
Necesitaba pensar —dice el hombre, y se levanta.
I needed to think, the man says and stands.
No traté de hablar con ellas: necesitaba pensar.
I didn't try to talk to them: I needed to think.
—¿Qué haces aquí sentado? —Necesitaba pensar.
‘Why are you sitting here?’ ‘I need to think.’
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