Käännös "muchos refinamientos" englanti
Muchos refinamientos
Quizá era uno de los escasos recursos de que disponía Tomás para vaciar un poco la mente, para descansar de sus extrañas cuitas nocturnas o matinales o al menos hacerlas convivir con un requerimiento y un estremecimiento físicos, quizá solo quería que el cuerpo engañase durante un rato al espíritu, o lo confundiese, o lo callase al cubrirlo con su elementalidad (el sexo resulta siempre rudimentario, por mucho refinamiento que se le intente agregar;
Perhaps this was one of the few ways in which Tomás could empty his mind a little, and find some rest from his strange nocturnal or diurnal afflictions, or at least merge them with a physical urge or tremor, perhaps he simply wanted his body temporarily to deceive or confuse his mind, or silence it by drowning it out with the body’s own elemental nature (sex always does seem rudimentary, however many refinements one may add;
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