Käännös "miedo de venir" englanti
Miedo de venir
  • afraid to come
afraid to come
Casi tenia miedo de venir.
I was almost afraid to come here.
Tenias miedo de venir sola?
Were you afraid to come alone?
Tienen miedo de venir aquí.
They're too afraid to come here.
Tenías miedo de venir sola, ¿no?
You were afraid to come alone, weren't you?
Eddie tiene miedo de venir.
Eddie's afraid to come.
No, él tuvo miedo de venir aquí.
He was afraid to come here.
¿Aún tiene miedo de venir al colegio?
Still too afraid to come to school?
Todos los demás tienen miedo de venir.
All the others are afraid to come.
—Tiene miedo de venir —replicó.
“She says she is afraid to come,” he replied. “Afraid?”
Y sobrinos que tienen miedo de venir a casa.
I have nieces and nephews afraid to come to the house.
Además, durante un tiempo tus clientes tendrán demasiado miedo a venir.
And your clients will be too afraid to come here for a while.
No podemos permitir que la gente tenga miedo de venir a Venecia, ¿verdad?
We can’t have people afraid to come to Venice, can we?’
Pero no tengo miedo de venir a mirar por última vez la cara de mi amigo.
And yet I am not afraid to come and take the last look at my friend’s face.
–Pero, Vuestra Majestad…, si ella se ha convertido en una sibila, puede que tenga miedo de venir a la ciudad.
“But, Your Majesty — if she’s become a sibyl, she may be afraid to come to the city.”
¿Pensaba que tenía miedo de venir aquí y ser Joe, y quería saber el porque?
You thought I was afraid to come down here and be Joe, and wanted to know why?
Y yo había alardeado demasiado diciendo que no tenía miedo de venir. —¿Y lo tenías? Catrona se rió.
And because I had boasted too much about not being afraid to come.” “And were you afraid?” Catrona laughed.
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