Käännös "me enfurece" englanti
Me enfurece
  • it infuriates me
  • enrages me
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
it infuriates me
– Sí, me enfurece -le contesté-.
"Yes, it infuriates me," I retorted.
¡Y me enfurece que no sea seguro todavía!
It infuriates me that it still isn’t safe!
Mi amor se la convertido en… bueno, me enfurece solo pensar en él. —Te felicito.
My love has turned to…well, it infuriates me even to think about him.” “Good for you.
Me enfurece saber que esas dos espantosas ancianas la hacen irse a dormir a oscuras.
It infuriates me to know that those two terrible old women are depriving her of all the love and friendship she ought to have.
A veces me enfurece ver la forma en que lo rodea la gente… ¡Si supieran cómo me trata…!
It infuriates me sometimes to see the way people flock around him . if they only knew how he treated me.”
enrages me
Tu ignorancia me enfurece.
Your ignorance enrages me.
Este pensamiento me enfurece.
This thought enrages me.
Me enfurece que en manos entrenadas como las nuestras... la droga no representa ningún problema.
What enrages me is that in trained hands such as ours... the drug poses no problem.
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