Käännös "las paredes eran" englanti
Las paredes eran
  • the walls were
the walls were
También había orina en las paredes, por lo que no podía sentarse ni recostarse en la pared.
The walls were also urinated against so he could neither sit down nor lean on the wall.
Todas las paredes y las puertas de la clínica, incluidas las paredes interiores, estaban acribilladas a balazos.
All clinic walls and doors, including interior walls, were riddled with bullet holes.
Las paredes eran de asbesto, Capitán Killick.
The walls were asbestos, Captain Killick.
Sabes, cuando vivía aquí, las paredes eran rojas.
You know, when I lived here, the walls were red.
Las paredes eran como papel.
The walls were paperthin.
Las paredes eran blanco arena... para suprimir cualquier toque creativo y ocultar las juntas.
The walls were sandbar white to suppress all creative thought and hide the asbestos.
Las paredes eran como una...
The walls were kind of like a...
Las paredes eran rojas. Y las ventanas eran grandes.
The walls were red, and the windows were big.
Las paredes eran color salmón una vez, aunque no se pueden discernir bajo esta horrible suciedad.
The walls were the colour of salmon once, though it cannot be discerned under this horrid dirt.
Las paredes eran de hormigón.
The walls were solid concrete.
Yo se, mama, las paredes eran delgadas.
I know, mom. The walls were thin.
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