Käännös "jesús dio" englanti
Jesús dio
Nosotros los Evangélicos hemos resaltado siempre el hecho de que Jesús dio su aprobación sobre los libros del Antiguo Testamento, pues él mismo los citaba.
   We Evangelicals have always (rightly, I think) made a rather large point of the fact that Jesus gave his approval to the Old Testament books by quoting from them.
[Jesús] dio su vida para liberarnos de toda clase de pecado, para limpiarnos y para hacernos su pueblo, totalmente comprometidos a hacer buenas acciones. TITO 2:14
He [Jesus] gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing what is right. Titus 2:14
Asceta radical, se puso a meditar sobre la respuesta que Jesús dio a sus discípulos cuando le preguntaron si pensaba que era mejor no casarse nunca. «No todos entienden esto, sino aquellos a quienes ha sido dado», respondió Jesús. Y añadió:
A radical ascetic, he brooded on the answer that Jesus gave to his disciples, when they asked him if he was implying that it would be better never to marry. “All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given,” Jesus replied, adding,
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