Käännös "indicar formas" englanti
Indicar formas
El objetivo del programa es no sólo descubrir quién hace qué, sino además examinar más cuidadosamente una amplia gama de experiencias de reforma agraria y seguridad de la tenencia, para aprender de qué manera los grupos locales han podido afirmar sus intereses más eficazmente e indicar formas de difundir y utilizar estos conocimientos a través la constitución de redes eficaces.
The objective of the programme is not only to discover who is doing what, but also to examine more carefully a variety of land reform/tenurial security experiences, to learn how local groups have been able to assert their interests more effectively and to suggest ways in which this knowledge could be disseminated and utilized through effective networking.
How many English words do you know?
Test your English vocabulary size, and measure how many words you know.
Online Test