Käännös "huesudo" englanti
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No son huesudas.
They're not bony.
Es demasiado huesuda.
She's too bony.
Malvado y huesudo.
Mean and bony.
¿"Huesudo culo tabloide"?
"Bony tabloid arse"?
Adiós, culo huesudo.
See you, you bony arse.
Pruébelo, viejo huesudo.
Prove it, Bony Curtis.
Huesudo, pero agradable.
Bony, but nice.
- Eres muy huesudo.
- So damn bony.
Ella es tan huesuda.
She's so bony.
—Tiene unas manos enormes y huesudas, los pies huesudos, la frente huesuda... Ya me entiendes.
“He’s got huge bony hands, bony feet, bony forehead, you know.
Se llevó los dedos huesudos a la larga y huesuda nariz.
He drew bony fingers down his long, bony nose.
Eran finas, huesudas—.
They were thin, bony.
Era pequeña y huesuda;
She was small and bony;
Huesuda y nudosa y todo eso.
Bony and craggy and all that.
De sus dedos huesudos.
Of her bony fingers.
Era flaco y huesudo.
He was lean and bony.
Era delgada y huesuda;
She was thin and bony;
—Eso es cierto, es un poco huesuda.
That is true, she is a little bony.
—Mira lo huesuda que estás.
Look how bony you are.
Gorgone Locke era un gigante huesudo con ojos hundidos y sombríos.
Gorgone Locke was a raw-boned giant with hooded, sunken eyes.
Su cuerpo, grande, enjuto, desgarbado y huesudo era tan firme como grácil.
That big, gaunt, raw-boned body of hers was firm and graceful;
El huesudo colono dio un traspié, comenzando a manar sangre de su nariz.
The raw-boned settler stumbled back, blood starting from his nose.
La túnica le llegaba justo por encima de sus tobillos, largos y huesudos.
The robes hit him at a point slightly above his large, raw-boned ankles.
Bastante fuerte, huesuda, sana, como una campesina, con un diente medio carcomido.
Rather big, raw-boned, healthy, peasant type with a front tooth half-eaten away.
Un hombre joven, huesudo, de rostro enjuto y ojos castaños de mirada inquisitiva, estaba esperándoles.
A young, raw-boned man with a lean face and inquisitive brown eyes was waiting for them.
Alto y huesudo, pelo oscuro, piel pálida, muñecas nudosas, facciones lincolnescas.
Tall and raw-boned, dark hair, pallid skin, knobby wrists, Lincolnesque features.
Era alto y huesudo.
He was tall and big-boned.
Era un hombre huesudo, un sencillo habitante de Tabletop.
He was a big-boned man, a plainsman from Tabletop.
Rosaleen O’Donnell cruzó los brazos huesudos.
Rosaleen O’Donnell folded her big-boned arms.
El médico era un señor alto y huesudo, de rostro alargado y macilento.
The doctor was a strapping, big-boned man with a pale, thin face.
LaPointe mira al huesudo joven. Seguramente un muchacho muy listo.
LaPointe glances at the big-boned young man. Must be a bright lad.
Y como tenía la cara huesuda, sus ojos se perdían a menudo en el efecto de conjunto.
And since his face was big boned, his eyes were often lost in the overall effect.
Pero Saúl era huesudo, fuerte, y el chaleco sólo le hacía parecer algo gordo.
But Saul was big-boned, rugged, and the extra girth made him seem merely overweight.
Era una chica huesuda con amplias curvas y guapa, a pesar de que tenía una verruga en la barbilla.
She was a big-boned young woman with ample curves, handsome despite a wart on her chin.
El pelo rubio es denso y está cardado para que los hombros no resulten demasiado huesudos.
The blonde hair is thick and teased up so the girl's shoulders don't look so big-boned.
El tercero es pequeño, pero huesudo, de cabello leonado, nariz grande y sumamente taciturno. Labuan.
The third man is small but big-boned, sandy-haired, with a large nose, and extremely taciturn. Labuan.
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