Käännös "herida curada" englanti
Muy bien, heridas curadas, toda una nueva perspectiva, vete.
Well, wounds healed, whole new perspective, off you go.
Heridas curadas por la mano del dios.
Wounds healed by the hand of the God.
Una persona resulta muerta, y él o ella no se despiertan al día siguiente, sus heridas curadas, su cilindro a su lado, en cualquier lugar de la orilla lejos del escenario de su muerte.
A person is killed, and he or she does not wake up the next day, his wounds healed, his grail beside him, upon a bank far from the scene of his death.
Terry Reeves, que hacía poco había vuelto con nosotros, con la herida curada y con mucha tristeza por haber tenido que separarse de su india, condujo una partida de veinte hombres a una pradera donde pastaba un rebaño de vacas, intentando cortarles el pelo del rabo.
Terry Reeves, who had lately returned to us, his wound healed, and very sorrowful to be parted from his Indian squaw, led a foray of about twenty men of our company into a paddock where a herd of cows was grazing; intending to cut the hair from the ends of their tails. The plan miscarried.
Es cirugía craneana y heridas curadas encontradas a lo largo del imperio muestran que los incas eran expertos en su uso para tratar el traumatismo craneal.
It's skull surgery, and healed wounds found throughout the empire show that the Inca were skilled at using it to treat head trauma.
Aún le preocupaba que las heridas curadas le hubieran dejado marca.
She still worried that her healed wounds were blemishes.
Jugué con la idea de extirparme los genitales, pero no estaba seguro del tiempo que llevaría la regeneración y la herida curada de la castración no parecería la anatomía de una mujer.
I toyed with the idea of cutting off my genitals, but I couldn't be sure how long regeneration would take, and the healed wound of castration would not be taken for the anatomy of a woman.
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