Käännös "hacerlo tropezar" englanti
Hacerlo tropezar
Ninguna sombra podía sorprenderla y hacerla tropezar.
No shadow held any surprise for her to stumble over.
La más mínima ondulación del terreno podía hacerla tropezar y caer, y sus caderas no lo soportarían.
Even the smallest undulation in the ground might cause her to stumble and fall, and her hips couldn’t stand it.
Clifton tiró con ambas manos, haciendo oscilar impotentemente a Malpass hasta hacerle tropezar con un obstáculo y caer al suelo.
Clifton pulled with both hands on the whip, swinging Malpass helplessly, to stumble over an obstruction and fall heavily.
Mierda, no hacia falta hacer más difícil la prueba bloqueando artificialmente el camino para hacerlo tropezar, ya era lo bastante difícil sin eso.
Dammit, this test didn't need to be made harder by artificial stumbling blocks, it was bad enough all on its own.
Cuando dio otro paso, la zapatilla floja del pie izquierdo se resbaló lo suficiente como para hacerla tropezar, cayendo de rodillas.
As she stepped forward, the loose slipper on her left foot flopped just enough to make her trip and stumble, nearly falling to her knees.
La había recibido con un afecto y una humanidad que fueron un bálsamo que curó el ataque de vergüenza y terror que se había apoderado de ella hasta el punto de hacerla tropezar al andar.
He had received her with a graciousness and compassion that were a healing balm for the shame and terror that afflicted her, making it difficult for her to walk without stumbling.
Tenía mal agarrada la espada, le dio con la parte plana de la hoja y ni siquiera le cortó los harapientos pantalones, pero bastó para hacerlo tropezar y que cayera despatarrado en el albañal. —¡Por favor!
She fumbled the sword and it caught him with the flat, didn’t even cut through his ragged trousers, but it was enough to make him stumble and he sprawled in the gutter. “Please!”
Don Juan dijo que ésas eran fuerzas verdaderamente peligrosas, y aunque incapaces de matar a un hombre mano a mano, podían matarlo de susto, o dejarle caer objetos, o al aparecer de pronto para hacerlo tropezar, perder pie y rodar a un precipicio.
Don Juan said that those were truly dangerous forces, and although they could not kill a man hand to hand, they could cause his death by fright, or by actually letting objects fall on him, or by appearing suddenly and causing him to stumble, lose his footing, and go over a precipice.
Acabamos con la espera de que Liberate nos de la chance de hacerlos tropezar.
We are done waiting for Liber8 to give us an opportunity to trip them up.
Cuando nos cruzamos saqué el pie para hacerlo tropezar.
As our paths crossed I stuck out my foot to trip him.
Todos saben eso. Supongo que esa no es la mentira para hacerle tropezar, entonces.
Everyone knows that. Guess that’s not the lie to trip him, then.
Arrastraba los pies sueltos de pijama del traje, amenazando con hacerla tropezar.
The big loose pajama feet of the suit scuffing, threatening to trip her up.
Se detuvo sólo a un metro de distancia; deslicé la mano para hacerle tropezar.
He stopped only a meter off, and I snaked out a hand to trip him.
Las raíces se alzaban del suelo para hacerlo tropezar, y lo derribaban como un árbol abatido por un hacha.
Roots reached to trip him, felling him as though he were an axed tree.
—Dime lo que viste —le ordenó Beauvoir al instante, esperando hacerlo tropezar con las prisas.
“And what did you see?” Beauvoir asked the question quickly, hoping to trip him up in the rush.
Cada uno era experto en un campo diferente, y en conjunto resultaba muy difícil hacerlos tropezar.
Each of them had fields of expertise the others did not, and altogether it was pretty hard to trip them up.
Ya nunca se le subía a la espalda, nunca se le arrojaba a las rodillas para hacerlo tropezar de camino a la puerta.
She’d never climb his back now, never hurl herself between his knees to trip his steps to the door.
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