Käännös "fueron y ven" englanti
Fueron y ven
Los niños y los ancianos se ven particularmente afectados.
Children and old people were particularly affected.
Con frecuencia se ven obligadas a ejercer la prostitución.
They were often forced into prostitution.
Los pobres se ven desproporcionadamente afectados.
Poor people were disproportionately affected.
Esos hechos se ven confirmados por estudios de la OIT.
The facts were confirmed by ILO studies.
Algunos se ven forzados a entregar su pasaporte al patrón.
Some were forced to surrender their passports to their employers.
Se tienen en cuenta poco o nada, porque no se ven y parecen secundarias.
Little or no account was taken of them because they were not visible and seemed to be secondary.
Los abogados se ven sometidos a presiones ajenas a la administración de justicia y los jueces no se ven capaces de llevar las investigaciones.
Lawyers were subject to pressure from outside the legal system. Judges were unable to check on investigations.
En Guatemala los sindicalistas se ven amenazados.
In Guatemala, trade unionists were being threatened.
En aquella cosa había venas.
Veins were in the stuff.
¿Ven cómo se llevaban?
You see how they were together?
Tenía las venas de la mano muy marcadas;
The veins on her hand were pronounced;
Tenía las venas de las manos hinchadísimas.
The veins of his hands were unusually prominent.
Tenía hinchadas las venas de la frente.
Veins were throbbing along his forehead.
—Tus padres se ven agradables.
Your mom and dad were nice-looking.
Ya lo ven, tenía las manos atadas.
You see, my hands were tied.
¿Los árboles se ven más altos que antes?
Do the trees look bigger than they were before?
llevaba sangre real en las venas.
her bloodlines were royal.
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