Käännös "fue incapaz fue" englanti
Si las Naciones Unidas fuesen incapaces de defender públicamente la existencia de los derechos humanos, serían incapaces de defender su propia existencia.
If the United Nations were unable publicly to defend the existence of human rights, it would be unable to defend its own existence.
Fue incapaz de encontrar empleo después de que la despidieran.
She was unable to find a job after her dismissal.
La comisión fue incapaz de confirmar dichas cifras.
The commission was unable to confirm these figures.
[– Si el convicto es incapaz de hacerlo por sí mismo; [y
[- if the convicted person is unable to do so himself/herself; [and
homosexuales con personas incapaces de defenderse
homosexual relations with persons unable to protect themselves
El Organismo es incapaz de dar garantías acerca de esos Estados.
The Agency is unable to give assurances for those States.
Sin embargo, ha sido prácticamente incapaz de hacerlo.
However, it has been largely unable to deliver on that.
:: La mayoría de las víctimas se sienten incapaces de perdonar.
:: Most victims feel unable to forgive.
Lamentablemente, somos incapaces de protegernos de forma colectiva.
Unfortunately, collectively, we are unable to escape to safety.
La Organización parece incapaz de aprender de sus errores.
The Organization seemed unable to profit from its mistakes.
Incapaz de mirar por la ventana, incapaz de no hacerlo.
Unable to look out the black window, unable not to.
Porque serás incapaz de ver la estrella, incapaz de percibirla, incapaz de tocarla, de saborearla, de encontrarla, de matarla.
For you shall be unable to see the star, unable to perceive it, unable to touch it, to taste it, to find it, to kill it.
Por consiguiente, fui incapaz de reaccionar, incapaz de actuar.
Therefore I found myself unable to respond at all, unable to act.
Me quedé mirándolo, incapaz de pensar, incapaz de moverme.
I stood staring at him, unable to think, unable to move.
Han sido incapaces de…
They have been unable-
Son incapaces de odiar.
They are unable to hate.
es incapaz de reír.
is unable to laugh.
Incapaz de llegar hasta ellos, incapaz de tocarles.
Unable to reach up, reach through and touch them. Unable to let them touch him.
¿Eres incapaz de adaptarte?
Are you unable to adapt?
era incapaz de recordarlo—.
she was unable to remember.
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