Käännös "fláccidamente" englanti
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Las banderolas pendían fláccidamente.
The pennants hung limply.
Se derrumbó flaccidamente sobre el suelo.
He cursed as he crumpled limply to the ground.
—Sus largos dedos se extendieron fláccidamente hacia él.
The long fingers extended themselves limply.
Las manos de Corntel colgaban fláccidamente entre sus piernas.
Corntel’s hands dangled limply between his legs.
Se oyó un estampido apagado y todos cayeron fláccidamente al suelo.
There was a muted thump, and they all fell limply to the ground.
La inmensa cabeza colgaba fláccidamente sobre su pecho.
The massive head was angled limply forward over his chest.
incluso demasiado corta porque, levantada, se combaba fláccidamente por la mitad.
and shorter yet because, reared, it sagged limply in the middle.
La bandera a su derecha, colgaba fláccidamente en el sofocante y nocivo ambiente.
The flag at his right hung limply in the suffocating and noxious air.
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