Käännös "filacteria" englanti
El 24 de julio, el Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia, Amnon Cohen, dictaminó que se permitiría que el jefe del movimiento Hai ve Kayam, Yehuda Etzion, orara en el Monte del Templo, siempre que murmurara sus oraciones sin taled, libro de oraciones, filacterias ni quórum.
416. On 24 July, the President of the High Court of Justice, Amnon Cohen, ruled that the head of the Hai ve Kayam movement, Yehuda Etzion, was to be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, provided that he whispered his prayers without a Tallith, a prayer book, phylacteries and without a quorum.
Se les permitió llevar mantos de oración y filacterias y fueron protegidas por la policía.
They were free to wear prayer shawls and tefillin (phylacteries), and were protected by the police.
Por otro lado, un tribunal distrital de Israel dictaminó que Yehuda Etzion, Jefe del partido extremista judío de extrema derecha, Hai ve Kayam, podía orar en el recinto de la mezquita Al-Aqsa a condición de que no hiciera uso de sus filacterias y que susurrara sus oraciones. (The Jerusalem Times, 1º de agosto)
In a separate development, an Israeli District Court ruled that Yehuda Etzion, the head of the right-wing Jewish extremist party Hai ve Kayam, could pray in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on condition that he not use his phylacteries and that he whisper his prayers. (The Jerusalem Times, 1 August)
Con el fin de lograr la inmortalidad, algunos creen que el Lich puso su Chi en una filactería--
In order to achieve immortality, some believe that the Lich puts his Chi into a phylactery--
La filacteria está apuntando a esa cueva.
The Phylactery is pointing to that cave.
Robé la filacteria para encontrar al mago por mí mismo.
I stole the phylactery to find the mage for myself.
Pero esta mañana, tal vez por primera vez en 50 años, puse los Filactérios prestados de un hombre viejo del cuarto de al lado.
But this morning, for the first time in perhaps 50 years, I put on phylacteries borrowed from a pious old man next door.
- Voy a anular la magia del mago con la filacteria, tú lo golpeas y le pones el collar. - ¡Buen plan!
I'll annul the mage's magic with the Phylactery, you punch him and get the collar on. Good plan!
La filacteria se rompió durante la pelea.
The phylactery was broken during the fight.
Shlomo, muévete un poco - tenemos un chal de rezo, filacterias, y un libro de rezos.
I have a prayer shawl, phylacteries and a prayer book.
-¿y si piden la filacteria?
And if they demand the phylactery?
—No mientras tenga en mi poder esta filacteria.
Not while I am in possession of his phylactery.
-¿Me pedís la filacteria de Urshula el Negro?
You demand the phylactery of Urshula the Black?
-¿Y si se empeñan en que les des la filacteria?- insistió Entreri.
"And if they demand the phylactery?" Entreri asked again.
No, la luz salía del interior de la gema, la filacteria.
Nay, that light came from inside the gem, the phylactery.
Lo puso de lado y buscó dentro la filacteria.
She rolled it onto its side and reached in to retrieve the phylactery.
-Pero las filacterias están ahí, y vosotras las queréis tener- razonó Jarlaxle.
"But the phylacteries remain, and you want them," Jarlaxle reasoned.
-Zhengyi creó muchas filacterias similares- le explicó Tazmikella-.
"Zhengyi created many such phylacteries," Tazmikella explained.
Cuando rezaba, se ponía dos pares de filacterias a la vez.
When he prayed, he put on two pairs of phylacteries at once.
¿Acaso la filacteria que ahora tienes en tu bolsillo te promete algo menos?
Is the phylactery you now hold in your pocket offering you any less?
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