Käännös "está tocando" englanti
Está tocando
5. Una escultura de bronce que representa a un hombre de Asia sudoriental tocando un instrumento musical.
5. One bronze statuette of a south-east Asian man playing a musical instrument.
También es delito punible someter a un niño a trato inhumano o degradante obligándolo a mendigar o recibir limosna, o inducir las dádivas bajo pretexto, o no, de estar cantando, actuando, tocando instrumentos u ofreciendo algo a la venta, o de cualquier otra manera.
It is also a criminal offence to make a child carry out inhumane and degrading treatment in the form of begging or receiving alms, or inducing the giving of alms whether there is any pretence of singing, playing, performing, offering anything for sale or otherwise.
En marzo, el Tribunal de Seguridad del Estado condenó a Sefik Beyaz, ex director del Instituto Curdo, a un año de cárcel y a una multa de 100 dólares por "hacer propaganda separatista tocando música curda" en su campaña electoral de 1995.
Sefik Beyaz, former head of the Kurdish Institute, was sentenced in March by the State Security Court to one year's imprisonment and a fine of US$ 100 for “making separatist propaganda by playing Kurdish music” during his election campaign in 1995.
Calificar de "violentos" a los manifestantes pacíficos turcochipriotas porque estaban tocando "música a todo volumen" y usaban "altoparlantes" y gritaban "consignas" es desconocer el significado de la palabra "violento" o ser incapaz de tolerar siquiera la presencia de turcochipriotas como una comunidad que vive y respira.
To call the peaceful Turkish Cypriot demonstrators "violent" on the grounds that they played "loud music" and used "speakers" and "slogans" is either not knowing the meaning of the word "violent" or being unable to tolerate even the presence of the Turkish Cypriots as a living and breathing community.
Glenn Miller está tocando.
Glenn Miller is playing.
- Phish está tocando allí.
- Phish is playing a show there.
Alberto, ¿quién está tocando?
Alberto, who is playing?
Su grupo está tocando.
His band is playing.
La banda está tocando.
The band is playing.
Está tocando el Sr. Brand.
- Mr. Brand is playing.
La música está tocando
Music is playing
¡Está tocando en París!
He is playing in Paris!
- KISS está tocando, ¿cierto?
- Right. KISS is playing.
—¿Qué están tocando?
What's that they're playing?
¿Qué estabas tocando?
What are you playing here?
—¿Y qué es eso que estás tocando?
And what is that you were playing?
Estaba tocando “Amaryllis”.
It played "Amaryllis."
La radio estaba tocando.
The radio was playing.
¡Stefan estaba tocando!
Stefan played!
La orquesta estaba tocando.
The music was playing.
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