Käännös "es responder a la pregunta" englanti
Es responder a la pregunta
  • is answer the question
  • it is to answer the question
is answer the question
Quizá esto contribuya en parte a responder a su pregunta.
Perhaps they will go some way to answering your question.
Portugal no dispone de datos para responder a esta pregunta.
Portugal has no available data to answer this question.
El 59,5% no quiso responder a esa pregunta.
A total of 59.5 per cent of respondents did not answer this question.
Ahora es el momento de responder a esa pregunta.
It is now time to answer that question.
Parte de este análisis tendrá por fin responder a esta pregunta.
Part of this analysis will be devoted to answering this question.
No se dispone de datos exactos que permitan responder a la pregunta.
Precise data to answer the question are unavailable.
No se dispone de datos de ámbito nacional para responder a esta pregunta.
There are no data of national coverage to answer this question.
Responder a estas preguntas es lo que nos corresponde hacer.
It is up to us to answer those questions.
Confío en que este informe sirva para responder a las preguntas del Comité.
I hope that this report will answer the questions of the Committee.
—Eso no es responder a mi pregunta.
“That isn’t answering my question.”
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