Käännös "es redondeado" englanti
Es redondeado
  • it is rounded
it is rounded
Era redondeado y suave.
It was round and smooth.
hasta las esquinas estaban redondeadas.
even the corners were round.
ya tenían forma redondeada;
already they had their round shape;
Era redondeada y estriada en los extremos.
It was round and fluted at the edges.
La redondeada barbilla se alzó.
The round chin lifted.
Tiene el mentón redondeado y un poco saliente.
A rounded, protuberant chin.
El casco era vagamente redondeado;
The hull was vaguely rounded;
Se hacen redondeadas y suaves.
They get rounded and gentle.
Las granadas tenían los extremos redondeados.
The tips of the shells were rounded.
Las alturas estaban redondeadas por la erosión.
The heights were rounded by erosion.
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