Käännös "es escandaloso" englanti
Es escandaloso
Dicho sea de paso, es escandaloso que hasta ahora no se haya logrado encontrarla.
It was, indeed, scandalous that that had not yet been done.
Las deficiencias en la aplicación alcanzan proporciones escandalosas.
This implementation gap is of scandalous proportions.
Debe cesar de inmediato el reparto escandaloso de las riquezas del Iraq.
In addition, the scandalous distribution of Iraq's wealth must cease immediately.
La comunidad internacional está apenas apercibiéndose ahora del comportamiento escandaloso de Argelia.
The international community was only just waking up to Algeria's scandalous behaviour.
Lamentablemente, su labor ejemplar ha sido empañada por el comportamiento escandaloso de algunas personas.
Unfortunately, their exemplary work had been tainted by the scandalous conduct of some individuals.
Debe ponerse término a esta escandalosa política que aún sigue practicándose.
That scandalous policy was still being pursued and had to be stopped.
Es escandaloso que, en esta ocasión, ni siquiera se hayan presentado excusas a la comunidad musulmana.
It was scandalous that no apologies whatsoever had been presented to the Muslim community in that connection.
Debería avergonzarse de repetir esas escandalosas y aburridas declaraciones.
It should be ashamed of repeating such scandalous and boring statements.
El apoyo del Gobierno norteamericano a Indonesia es el más importante, el más escandaloso y el más inmoral de todos.
The United States Government's support for Indonesia is the most important, the most scandalous and the most immoral of all.
—Es escandaloso —me dijo—, totalmente escandaloso.
“It’s scandalous,” she said to me, “perfectly scandalous.
—¿Qué es lo escandaloso?
“What is scandalous?”
Será bastante escandaloso.
It will be scandalous.
—¿Qué hay de escandaloso en ello?
“What is the scandal in that?”
Es absolutamente escandaloso
“Absolutely scandalous …”
it's scandalous
Es escandaloso excitar a esa pobre gente.
It's scandalous to arouse poor folks.
En especial si es escandalosa.
Especially if it's scandalous.'
—Sí, es escandaloso —dijo Ridcully—.
'Yes, it's scandalous,' said Ridcully.
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