Käännös "era tan roja" englanti
Era tan roja
  • it was so red
it was so red
El agua está tan roja que casi parece sangre.
The water’s so red it almost looks like blood.
Hizo una pausa para estudiar una rosa tan roja que era carmesí.
He paused to study a rose so red it was crimson.
Tenía la garganta tan roja que casi parecía púrpura. –¡Dragón!
His throat was so red it was nearly purple. “Dragon!”
—Joe nunca había visto a su primo con la cara tan roja.
Joe had never seen his cousin so red in the face.
Tenía una magnífica cabellera… de color parecido a la suya… no tan roja, quizá.
She had magnificent hair – about the colour of yours. Not so red, perhaps.
Frankie tenía la cara tan roja que temí que se le fuera a reventar algo. —No existe.
His face was so red I feared he might burst something. “It’s not there.
-La enfermera estaba tan roja que daba la sensación de que le faltaba poco para convertirse en la paciente.
The nurse was so red-faced that she looked as though she might become a patient.
La cara se le había puesto tan roja que pensé que iba a arrojarse de cabeza al mar.
His face turned so red I thought he’d throw himself into the sea.
El pelo de su barba ya era bastante fuerte, una sombra más oscura que su cabello y no tan roja como su piel.
His beard was already strong, a shade darker than his hair and not so red as his skin.
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