Käännös "equilibrio dejando" englanti
Equilibrio dejando
balance leaving
Tuviste suerte de encontrar tu equilibrio dejando el pasado atrás.
We were lucky to find your balance leaving the past behind.
Sacas todo el sistema de equilibrio, dejando caos y pobreza a tu paso.
You throw the whole system off balance, leaving chaos and poverty in your wake.
Aterrizó en un charco de sangre cálida, pero logró conservar la espada. Vio a Otto junto a él, con su hacha levantada. Al descender el arma, William rodó frenéticamente de costado. Sintió el viento al cortar la hoja el aire junto a su cara. Luego se levantó de un salto y atacó al cantero. Un soldado se habría echado a un lado antes de arrancar su arma del suelo, sabedor de que un hombre es en extremo vulnerable después de asestar un golpe fallido. Pero Otto no era un soldado sino un loco valiente, y permanecía en pie con una mano en el mango de su hacha y el otro brazo extendido para recobrar el equilibrio, dejando que todo su cuerpo se convirtiera en un fácil blanco. William lanzó el apresurado ataque prácticamente a ciegas, y sin embargo acertó.
He landed in a puddle of warm blood but managed to keep hold of his sword. Otto stood over him with his ax raised. As the weapon came down, William rolled frantically sideways. He felt the wind as the blade sliced the air next to his face; then he sprang to his feet and thrust at the stonecutter with his sword. A soldier would have moved sideways before pulling his weapon out of the ground, knowing that a man is at his most vulnerable when he has just struck a blow and missed; but Otto was no soldier, just a brave fool, and he was standing with one hand on the haft of the ax and the other arm stretched out for balance, leaving the whole of his body an easy target. William’s hasty thrust was almost blind, but nevertheless it connected.
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