Käännös "envoltura corporal" englanti
Envoltura corporal
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Tienen esta envoltura corporal que llaman "El escape" se supone que es muy relajante.
They have this body wrap there called the escape. It's supposed to be so relaxing.
Disfrutando de mi, "envoltura corporal de algas marinas"
Enjoying my, uh, "seaweed body wrap."
Detrás de estos, las madres hablaban de bobadas de madres: envoltura corporal, obras de teatro que habían visto o iban a ver, el coche nuevo, las próximas vacaciones.
Behind them, mothers were talking mommyshit: body wraps, plays they had seen or were going to see, the new car, the next vacation.
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